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They head out to try and figure out what this strange fog is but before they have time to figure it out, they suddenly hear angelic singing in a different language. Nami seems drawn to the singing and from the fog an island appears. Franky tries to steer away but the wheel is locked into place.

A Translation of what the fog is singing will be revealed soon


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Nami on the second page looks like she's in a trance


Just a quick note, unless you meant it that way, Brook is the Skeleton. Franky is the blue haired cyborg turning the wheel.

Kristine Viau (TehZodiak)

Just curious... What language is that? I know it's not Russian but it looks similar. Definitely not Elven.


It's Greek. I went with it because of the Greek mythology surrounding the concept of a 'siren' luring sailors to, in this case, a mysterious island.


I hope they all transform