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Name: Namorita "Nita" Prentiss

Alias: Kymaera, "Avenging Daughter"

Age: 21*

Height: 6' 1''

Hair: White

Eyes: Black

Ideal Voice Actor: Laura Bailey

Short Bio:

Born into royalty, Namorita was the daughter of Namora, Atlantean princess and cousin to Prince Namor, the Sub-Mariner. Due to Namora's status as a hybrid of human and Atlantean, she was infertile, but a geneticist who was friends with the ryal family created an embryo that was an exact genetic copy of Namora herself which was successfully fertilized. Unfortunately, Nita was also born into a period of usurpation and treachery, as Namor's half-brother Byrrah made deadly alliances in order to successfully turn the Atlantean people against Namor, dethroning him and exiling him to the surface world. Brought up with the more proper Atlantean name “Kymaera”, Nita was raised with extensive combat and sorcery training under both the Warlord Krang, and the Lemurian sea witch Llyra. For most of her young life, Nita was taught under the pretense that Namor had abandoned her as an infant and left her mother to die--Namora did pass away, but merely due to complications from childbirth. It was only in her adolescence when, during Namor's attempt to reclaim the throne assisted by his childhood friend and Byrrah's consort Lady Dorma, did Nita discover the truth of her family, and allied herself to her estranged cousin to help him achieve retribution.

After reclaiming the title of Prince, Namor sensed the existential distress emanating from his young cousin, and offered Nita the chance to live up on the surface world as a time to clear her head. Nita went to live with Betty Dean-Prentiss, Namor's sweetheart from his war-faring days, and Nita grew to view Betty as a surrogate mother, going so far as taking her name when living in the surface world. Encouraged by the ailing Betty, Nita moved to New York City to enter college, though several months into her sophomore year, Nita's unbalanced body chemistry--beset by her unknowingly being a clone of her own genetically unbalanced mother--would spontaneously spur a freak mutation: Whereas she was an outcast in Atlantis due to her white skin and bright hair, much like Namor, her mutation would ironically give Nita a more traditional Atlantean appearance of blue skin, white hair and black eyes. Falling into a panic, Nita fled to her cousin--at that point establishing himself as the wealthy CEO of Oracle, Inc.--desperate for answers over her condition when she ran into Speedball along the rooftops, leading to events that night where she would gallantly put aside her distress in order to defend the city with the rest of her future teammates from the threat of Terrax.

Despite being raised under such shaky and distrustful moral foundation, and even having the tendency of living rather vicariously through others, Nita has managed to grow into a vibrant and kind young woman who is tremendously protective of those she loves, with her inner warrior only truly emerging when she or her loved ones are threatened or insulted.




Short bio? lol