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Day 2 - The First Changes

Time for a pin-up update page! Shobu is looking quite different from the last pin-up isn't he? Huehuehue ;)


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Alex Smyth

I'm curious, is more than just Shobu's/Shinoa's body changing? Will his/her personal stuff change too? Like his/her clothes, room and other stuff? And will his/reality change too? Like he/she just attended a girls gym class. Not only did the teacher not noticed an extra student, but he/she missed the actual class he/she was attend. So will his/her personal records, like birth certificate, school records, school ID and so on? And will everybody's memories of Shobu be changed so that everyone only remembers "Shinoa"? And will Shobu's family memories be changed too?


Is the bottom one page 30 or something?