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Day 2 - The First Changes



Shobu gives Mora a little kiss on her lips which catches Mora off guard. She jokes about only just meeting but seems to take it in good stride. Nasu however seems totally disgusted by what she just saw.

The coach comes over to see what happened and Nasu lies to her saying Shobu is to blame before taking her leave

Mora and Nasu will remember this choice from now on


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Oh, dear... This could have bad repercussions.


Dang it, I was really hoping this option didn't win. Not saying this couldn't happen, but that it's a bit too soon.

Alex Smyth

I agree this was too soon. I also hoped that the "kiss Mora" option wouldn't win. I wanted "fight Nesu" option to win because I really wanted to see Shobu kick Nasu's ass.


True but fighting Nasu probably wouldn't be the best outcome either given Mora is friends with Nasu and she might have been in trouble with the school.

Alex Smyth

That's a good point. Then maybe Shobu should have called out Nasu for hitting that girl. Or at least just apologized to Mora for falling on her.