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Heya guys and gals!

First of all i want to thank everyone for over 800+ patrons! The growth these past few months have left me speechless and I cannot thank you all enough!

I want to celebrate this by letting you know I have 2 things I want to announce and they will both be happening very soon!

First announcement:

Starting next week, I'll be starting a brand new streaming schedule which'll involve me streaming Monday - Friday 10:00 - 17:00 which means you guys will get to see me work on various rewards and such whilst I work during those hours! I've missed streaming so I'm happy to start doing this again. I'll draw up a new timetable soon and announce when i am streaming through here as well as DA and other platforms

Second announcement:

For the first time ever, I'm getting one of my stories written and scripted  by a talented TG writer known as Charoset! My skills don't lie in writing and pacing so I am happy to mix excellent writing with my art to hopefully make the next TG series one that'll be very engaging and fun to read!

I do hope you enjoy this and I cannot wait to engage with you guys more once streaming becomes more regular!

Thanks again for all your support! Stay sexy everyone! <3


Agent Eckswhy

Ah neat! Although if you ever need a hand scripting or whatnot, I can possibly lend a hand too, if you ever want it. I get bored easily

Tim Penfold

I'm hoping I can find a copy of your TG Con , or a con to TG video to download, is it available?