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Welcome to TFS's Alchemy class! I assume you're ready to take part in the wonderful world of alchemy?

Excellent! I will just new a few things from you before we start:

1. The name you'd like to use in the series if you're chosen

2. A reference of yourself ready to give me if I choose you

3. Your ideal potion (I will ask this question again later. I just want to see what your favourite quirks are)

I will be in contact with several of you on Thursday the 6th so please make sure you have everything ready by then just in case you are chosen!

Have fun!




1. Krymson 2. 5'8 sapphire colored hair, a bit chubby but physically active 3. Any tg potion but ideally a bimbo potion

Captain Kian

Name: my name if I am chosen will be Kian Reference: I do have a reference ready to give to TFS if I’m chosen My ideal potion: my ideal potion would be a potion that causes breast expansion whenever someone snaps their fingers or says a certain word for example “fun”


Name: Redmond, sometimes "Red" or "Gettsu" References are Very Ready Ideal Potion: Naga/Lama/Marilith Transformation. I figure TG is gonna be super-prevalent/super popular as it is, so why not go for something exotic?


1. Soma 2. I have a reference sheet. 3. A potion that causes someone to turn into what they are thinking about at random


Name: Dante Reference: Same one from the Lana Inc My ideal potion: A potion that when consumed, causes the consumer to turn into a sexy succubus


Name: Cobalt Reference: I got a reference picture Ideal Potion: a Potion that widens the hips and enlargens the ass everytime it is smacked.


1.Name: Jay Skye 2.I have a series of images to serve as reference if needed 3.Ideal potion...busty bird brained harpy? Femboys also come to mind.


Liz I have a sheet A potion combo of angel and slime tf


1. Name: Katie 2. Ref: Several xD 3. Ideal potion?: Either super adorable or sexy ^^


Name: Richard Reference: Have one ready Ideal Potion: A potion that turns you into a short stack Goblin girl.

Alex Pardy

1. Alex 2. Yes 3. My ideal potion: shape shifting

Devin Brown

Devin, my current male self that I'm using for my tg/tf


Name: Ondrann or Andy either work Ref: https://www.deviantart.com/recon1o6/art/Ondrann-789322330 Ideal potion: A slightly buff but busty hybrid creature. Something intimidating yet handsome


Name: Anton or Jorgez Reference:Ready to give a link. My ideal potion: There are many ideas that can not be counted. But since turning into a girl is already commonplace. At first I focus on the age-related potion, because I want my old cat to be a kitten again. While the consumer does not notice the changes. If everything works out, then in public you can experiment.


1: Taylor 2: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhG-JyFPnqemnRY9UVmZ6X9dgzPw?e=c3giGm 3: Manic Pixie Dream Girl


1: Joshua 2: You've used my character at least twice in your comics - that shouldn't be a problem. :P 3: A potion that turns me into a cute, yet smart, apprentice/assistant at your alchemy shop.

hi im ade

1.Name: Ade (or Adam) 2.Reference: Same for Lana Inc (but rdy to give a new one) 3.Potions: The First one because I want to have a successful carrier is transform me into a gorgeous intelligent (secretary type) woman, but as we did not notice that Lola is replaced my second potion , it turns me into her cute litte playmate (so it's an age regression potion) , she actually did that because she noticed that I'm not ready for that much responsibility so she wanted to give me a helping hand and she is so happy about that she will soon have a new friend


Name: EM3 Ref: The man in the blue jacket and jeans from my deviant art account - my username there is EM3 as well - Link: https://www.deviantart.com/emailed333/art/EM3-passed-his-licening-exam-682866602 Ideal potion: busty, curvy, tall - anthro half-dragon/half wolf woman with extra long reddish purple hair, big wolf claws, wolf ears, a huge dragon tail, and SHARP teeth.


Name: Ali Reference: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gw9xj9ling6z6xn/AAAzQ6uqA4aeT8zjdJN8KSyxa?dl=0 (Just different pictures of me and a full body shot) Ideal Potion: A potion that turns me into a short, petite anthropomorphic fennec fox girl with an adorable sunflower dress.


Name: Call me "Captain" Reference: Generic overweight male Ideal potion: A potion that turns me into a curvy Alice Angel or anything toon-like.


Name: Stormfries Reference: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GqIwvVAcc2yyPecTQnSqxHKVvEMkdgCq/view?usp=sharing Ideal potion: A potion that forced me in a evil sexy mistress (Japan) (high knee shoes)

Alexis, The Rose Queen

Name: Zelos Reference: myself Ideal Potion: A potion that turns me into a beautiful Japanese school girl with some fox features which includes: Ears and 5 tails

Agent Eckswhy

Name: Agent Reference: (that dork from Lana Inc previously, but I can provide one again if chosen) Ideal Potion: A Maid potion, or other similar "suggestion" potion designed to make the drinker more willing to do tasks for others.


Name: Jose or itachi Reference: I have a reference if I am chosen My ideal potion: my ideal potion would be a sexy catgirl or a magical girl Maybe the mixture of both


Name: Ace Reference: Myself but with a beard Ideal Potion: A potion that turn me into a girl with wolf ears and tail. Also with wolf paws as hands and feets


Name: Lordtombond/ Tommy Reference: You can use my OC from Lana's Inc Ideal Potion : A potion that gives whoever drinks it a pair of long twin tails with a cute ribbon that's them.

Mikkel Mads Hansen

Name Michael Reference: https://www.deviantart.com/redfox02/art/Female-Michael-2019-778594003 Ideal Potion: A potion that turns him into a random girl from One piece


Name: Dekra Ref: Normal Bodytype, light skin, Dark brown hair and Glasses, Brown eyes Ideal Potion: An Potion that turns me into an good looking anthro anthro Dragoness

That Guy

Name: Marcus (You’ve drawn him before) Ideal potion: Maybe a TG/Age regression? I haven’t seen one of those in a while


Name: KC Reference: my self I am Male,I have Blond hair, Blue eyes, and am a bit overweight. I wear glasses. I also wear T-shirts that have classic videogame references on them as well as I wear jeans. Shoes I wont add cause no one will see em. Ideal Potion: a potion that turns me into https://www.deviantart.com/crimson-exe/art/Tiger-Lady-Kaylee-Sold-757405740 dont worry I own that character I can provide proof if need be.


Name Nicole. Reference I think you know Nicole by now lol. Ideal potion hmmm a animal monster or beast potion works hahaha

Bar Shushan

Name:Bar reference: myself potion: turns me into a curvy and a bit chubby girl


Name: NuJack Ref: I do have one if and when you need it. Glasses, goatee, and slightly overweight. Potion: Maybe a potion that turns the drinker into a sexy nerd girl/schoolgirl with a classic school uniform.


Name: Joseph Reference: I have it at the ready and its myself Potion: Maid or a housewife that loves their partner or master.

Minion of the East

1. Dom, 2. I have a pic of myself and from the Lana Inc series, 3. A TG potion


Name: Vex Reference:dark brown hair, light blue eyes, pale skin. Skinny. Potion:The potion will turn him into a girl at first then he will slowly become pregnant. The potion will make him 9 month.


Name: Kevin. Reference Male, average height, chubby, brown hair. Ideal Potion: A potion that turns me into a catgirl maid.

Donald Diehl

Name: Donald Diehl Reference: Black Hair, Red T-Shirt, Purple Shorts My Potion: Turns me Into Aqua from Kingdom Hearts.


Name: Meow Reference: MeowMaid normal self My Potion: Dragon potion


Name: Nick


Name: Nick. I can give a reference if i am picked. Potion: A half dragon lady would be cool. If that isn't possible, then a cute kitsune would be nice


Name: Mr. Yes; Reference: White hair, slightly tan, green eyes, and normally wears green and pink tinted sunglasses; Potion: Turns me into a busty Gardevoir from Pokémon or a slime girl... I’m not picky.


Name:Jeffrey Reference: a somewhat built guy, would open it up for some fun transformations. Potion: a giantess, would need special clothing that fits though, preferably a g string bikini. Or if you want to use the vip slave girl as a hostess, someone to bring people into the class, an assistant, or any way she can fit in the story that’d be cool. I think adding that character in some way will add some more appeal to the story since she received a lot of likes. Especially on deviant art👍


Name: Leo(male)/Lola(female) Reference: Male, dark short hair extremely curly(Frodo), 5 ft, overweight, blue eyes like looking into the ocean, little to no facial hair, early 20’s, usually shorts, plain shirt, tennis shoes. Potion: a chubby cat girl, with a tabby cat coat, long bushy tail, wide hips, complimentary eye color(to coat), small to medium bust, clothing depends on alchemist preference.


1. Charles 2. Same character model that's been used in other series I've been featured in 3. Gargoyle girl

Pixie Tira

1. Sparrow 2. Male version made during hourly 3. LOZ Zora girl

Nikki Weihermuller

1. Nikki 2. The design you used for me during the monthly bases 3. Skunk anthro potion

Sheil Mueller

1. Sheil Hikari 2. The reference used for my OC every month (can resend if needed) 3. potion that turns me into a bimbo Byleth (FE3H)

Hugo Bedward

1. Jess 2. Design used for date 3. hyper hourglass potion

Sam Mann

Name: Sam ; Ref: https://sta.sh/012gkjeuzcpp ; Poition: thicc short stack


(Well, it's worth a shot lol) 1. Brendan 2. Just my main reference (I'll send it again if needed) 3. Intelligence Booster Potion (Where's the fun in choosing what I would become in particular lol) (Thanks for the opportunity!)


1. Masao 2. https://www.deviantart.com/masao114/art/Slimea-OC-Masao-Skyler-710430442 3.D&D-style dragonborn w/ bronze dragon-esque coloring ^^;


1. Trickster 2. https://sta.sh/0603bhzl05p 3. I'm down for anything really x)


1. Cavelighter 2. you can use my old one ^-^ 3. Potion of random effects


Name: Jun Reference: Fairly tall guy around 6', heavier set than an average build, blonde hair, always wears an unbuttoned dress shirt, mid 20s, hazel colored eyes, clean shaven Potion: Red panda girl with a big bushy tail


Name: Quetz Reference: Average built short male of 5'5. Long dark brown hair going down right past shoulders, always wearing sweatpants and grey or black sweatshirts. Potion: Potion of Hex Maniac or Misty from Pokemon


1. Sparkz 2. https://sta.sh/0v2b6mshfz4 3. Milf Potion and Butt expansion and Boob Expansion as well!!! :D


1) Patrick 2) I think you have many references already, but can provide another if desired 3) A suggestibility potion that can create physically and/or mental changes.

Allstar Records

1) Zander 2) same one as always, can reproved if needed 3) anything fun

Drew Gumz

1) name Drew 2) ref https://www.deviantart.com/tfsubmissions/art/Transformed-into-Submission-4-Phase-0-618897805 3) potion tiny fairy girl


Name: Christian Reference: Ready to go I will give to you if I get picked. Suggestion: Female Egyptian noble


1. Jack 2. y’all average built guy with short blonde hair 3. Transformed into a girl first and then adding a plus sized/thick hourglass shape with extra padding

Charming Dazz

1. Charming Dazz 2. A purple unicorn, I have a reference sheet if need be. 3. Age regression all the way. That or something that'll hypnotize someone~


1. Bryan 2. 6ft short brown hair, average build 3. Sexy School girl potion


1. Spike 2.High, dark brown hair, dark green eyes, bob haircut. He usually wears shorts, sneakers, black hoody (he's like a skater) 3. The potion turns a person into the opposite version of himself, everything changes (only appearance) if this is a guy, then this is usually a sexy female version of a guy)


Jakob Tall, 5 foot 8, long brown hair, a bit pudgy. Punk catgirl potion

Ruby hunter

Name: Matt 5 foot 7, short brown hair, athletic Potion: Sphinx


Name: Rick references available if needed, physical/mental change


1: Daniel 2: If you need it I'll be happy to give it to you 3: The potion turns people in Santa Muerte


1. Pheagle 2. Human form on left hand side: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/19193865/ 3. Potion: Dragon

michael charles pinello

1:michael 2: If you need it I'll be happy to give it to you 3: The potion turns people in hot chicks.


1:Andres 2: Average human dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, clear skin, 5,9 feet tall. Grey Jacket with Orange stripes, light blue pants with grey and orange shoes. 3: Potion: Shapeshift into anything he wants; either shape or gender like changing into a dragon or turning medusa.


1. Shrillex 2. A human/dog mix, has white hair with green highlights and always wears a green and black hoodie with black sweatpants, and he has a dog tail that has white fur with green highlights and dog ears that also has white fur with green highlights 3. The potion he is trying to make is a potion to help him with his spawning powers (His power is to be able to spawn stuff from his hands, mainly customized swords), but it goes wrong.

Zoey Faye Hozuki

1: Zack. 2: 5'10" long brown to blonde ombre 3:A mystery bimbo potion

Bella Grant

Bella pony girl ponyplay potion