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Heya guys!

First of all thank you all so much for the immense support and feedback on the TG simulator ,Lana Magic of Love. It was a huge task in both creating it and learning how to make the inner working of the games code etc.

So now that you have a taste of what to expect, we are happy to announce out new milestone goal which will be working on chapter 2 of the TG simulator known simply as 'My First Day'

the milestone will be placed at 500 Patrons and once we reach this amazing goal, we'll start working on getting characters for the next chapter and also giving you hints on what to expect.

We hope you enjoy what we have in store for you, the next chapter will be bigger and better so keep your eyes peeled for that very soon!

Once again, thank you all for the support, I never thought we'd have so many people wanting to support my work and ambitions, it truly means the world to me <3


Captain Kian

That’s great I can’t wait


still haven't been able to use it :(


I wish you achieve your goals, and sure we would like to know about the next chapter, very curious.