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Whis Sama

Great post! Do you think most of your fans like foot art or ass art more? (Imo I like foot art more)


Bit of a bummer about Caulifla not being a thing atm but this completely makes up for it. Yay to the continuing arc of Videl. Arc wise though I'm not sure where this is going to end up right now. I mean why is Gohan still protecting Erasa? I mean if I recall she tricked Gohan under the guise of "Oh I need some help with my homework." only to trap him so she can get off her own abusing fetishes and then when shit hit the fan she said she wouldn't say anything if he continued letting her have her way with him. I doubt Gohan is the type who thinks he can just treat girls like pieces of meat so what is he even gaining by protecting her aside from more of Videl's ire, their relationship would be completely done if he didn't fess up now. I'm guessing he does after this by telling Videl how he got blackmailed into it and profusely apologises to her which I'm guessing leads to Gohan attempting to break it off with Erasa but she plays it off thinking there's nothing wrong with what she did to him to which she got him under her foot again in well that Erasa foot pic you made to which she thinks she can convince Videl to let her keep Gohan for those few days. Their friendship pretty much done and I bet she's going to go save Gohan, beat up her former friend and somehow punish Gohan further for well just being a complete idiot for falling for Erasa's trap in the first place. That said if my whole prediction is correct I do wonder what kind of extreme punishment could she give Gohan? While she can really hurt Erasa, the only way she could make Gohan really feel it is make him insignificant via a possible shrinkage or if she was able to find a means to use some sort of power dampening collar to bring Gohan's strength down to her level.


way more of a foot fan myself but the ass pics are good too haha. Keeping variation does give everyone a bit of something


I like ass art much more (especially naked ass), but I still enjoy Saiyan Slave's feet art. I wasn't into foot fetish before, but now I like it because of them.


I think Gohan is not trying to protect Erasa, but rather he is trying to protect himself! He knows very well that he will be the first to suffer the fury of Videl if ever she learns that he sees his best friend in secret, even if he has been trapped :)


Well, I think that many of us like both. And there must be as many who prefer my foot art as my butt art :)


Which makes little sense at this point cause the longer he draws it out, the worse its going to be for him and well only bring more strain on their relationship. Like I said even after he does tell the truth she is still going to punish him for well being a complete idiot for falling for Erasa's trap but really he's going to suffer regardless so he may as well come clean at this point, I mean the longer he delays the worse it is going to get and on a realistic standpoint if he keeps delaying it would only destroy his relationship with Videl in the end. That said I really do hope this all ends up with Videl standing on Gohan's throat, his face or both. That or some leg scissor action. You know something to cut off his air supply in a torture sesh.