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Whoever could she be on the phone with? Only time will tell.

Jordan Hereford

Love videl's feet and I can't wait to find out who's on the other side of that phone. Awesome work as always man


Oh Gohan, you should have quit while you were ahead. Can't say the pimp life is for you. Your nativity may of gotten you trapped by Erasa but damn boy, you're gonna have to do a lot of grovelling to make it up to Videl now. As for Erasa's friendship with Videl, I guess this is why she never shows up again in the series. Ultimate betrayal right here. Is Gohan going to make it up to Videl and what is Videl going to do to her former friend? Find out next time on DragonFemdom Z! Now on a serious note I'm not sure what it is about your Videl but it's like you always seem to put in that much more effort with them compared to your other pics. Not that I'm complaining but although the majority of your works are fantastic, there's just that tiny bit more care with the Videl ones. Also I will ask is Videl asking Gohan who sent the message or is the premise Erasa says to come over on Gohan's phone and Videl is the one answering? If it's the first I'd suggest maybe altering it to Gohan/Slave! Who is this? "Who is it?" Alone that line suggests that Videl is answering and asking who is on the other end which I'm not sure if that was your intent.


Very good prologue ^^ I don't purposely take more care of my Videl artwoks, but it is a good thing that they are successful :) We will see later how the relationship between Videl, Gohan and Erase will end! And regarding the dialogue, Videl reads the message sent by Erasa on Gohan's phone, then she asks Gohan who sent this message. "Who is it" is not suitable here?


Fair enough it just seems they are of a bit more quality compared to your other works. Maybe I just have have a bit of a bias for Videl, who knows. As for the message I suppose "Who is it" kinda seems a little vague to degree like is she could be responding to something. "Who is this" though seems more apparent she is questioning Gohan here who sent this message.