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Godfrey 44

Poor Gohan. I wish I was him though.

Whis Sama

So good! Wonder what will happen, it seems like Erasa and Kale might get involved but not at the same time lol


Be curious to see what their role is. Either way Gohan should be happy to be stuck in the middle of it.


Just is very emersion breaking is all mate. That's why I sort of thought this was going to go with Caulifla being impressed by Videl's moxie to stand against her despite the overwhelming power difference, so she let her win, lowers her ki that much so she doesn't accidently rip Videl's arms off or just fakes the fight as such, kinda like Hercule and 18. Then maybe something at the end of the comic of Kale asking Videl why she didn't just squash Videl and Caulifla shrugging it off or says something about Videl impressed her, something alone those lines but hey, completely your call on the direction you chose go with in this case. Option 2, could have also been Caulifla at the end possibly putting the fear of god into Videl by telling her how lucky she is before showing her killing intent. Just yeah, really emersion breaking for me. I know a lot probably don't care, but yeah it does break it for me.