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Oh to be sat upon by a giant milf
also bonus doodle of the front view of our poor mannequin character being squished.

And as a small aside for those that are still waiting on their commission submissions to be accepted/declined, please give me another day or so to continue sorting them out! I managed to narrow it down by half but I still need to narrow down my options more. I might take on a small queue to work through next month, so I'll probably choose about ~10 commissions to take on.
Thanks everyone for their patience while I try to make my decisions! Opening for commissions is really stressful for me, I spent a whole day just going through forms :'D Next time I should just try to do first come first serve slots. Oh well!




Wonderful artwork as always, I love Bonnie so much


Super hot! Keep up the great work!

Kakira Irjath

that looks amazing, so jealous I'm not under

Andrew Ebear

The front view doodle looks amazing ;D




Extremely hot and i love that you finished it ♥️ would a version without lactation be possible? Understandable if it's too much extra work 🙏