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Hi everyone, sorry I’ve been gone for a bit, I’ve been dealing with the move and been having a pretty crappy family situation because of it and it’s made me very depressed :/ I‘m not sure what to do about it all tbh. 

Here’s a bunch of art I recently made, it’s not particularly lewd so I’m sorry about that >< I’m getting back to that now though!

I hope you’re all doing well btw and again, really sorry for the lack of activity recently.




i love these! i like the emotion in the gothy one. you’re doing what’s right for you even tho it’s not easy, so please have lots of patience and care for yourself!


*more hugs* Stay strong, stay positive Cin ;o; We appreciate everything when it appears, no stress ^^ All these gals are lovely, though some extra plush/squish now and again would be great too :3 x


The blue hair girl is so cute!!