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New Fantasy updates straight off the press!

So I'm not that familiar with the Death Dealer but as I understand it, the very original was a 1973 painting by Frank Frazetta.  It wasn't a specific character for any IP but more of a atmospheric painting that you hang on a wall.  But the painting took the imagination of various artists and it seems to have spawned different creative works including an Album Cover, Anime and an a novel franchise.  Then it sort of snowballed into different mediums including comic books, toys, films and D&D adventures and an army mascot.  Wow, talk about a golden goose!  But yeah, I can see why the painting became so popular, a menacing warrior with a horned helmet, whose facial features are obscured by shadow while riding atop a horse.  Quintessential fantasy!

With my version, I've tried to stay true to the original painting's aesthetic.  I've seen some pretty cool covers of the Death Dealer, galloping into battle with his axe poised to take some heads so I'll definitely do something along those lines.  He will also make an excellent bust!

As promised, I'll be including the Witch Hunter this month as well.  And to be a respectable member of the Ordo Hereticus knows, you have to have torch and a pointy hat.  Y'know, I've been in quite a few D&D campaigns, but I've never had a chance to roleplay or encounter a Witch Hunter.  Weird.  But I did think of an interesting direction to take this character.  More on that later this month.

On the BG3 side of things, I finally met Karlach and I understand why she's so popular now.  The aftermath of her first fight was definitely memorable. 😲 And hey, it turns out I was actually not that far off in my predictions. 😄 Now that I've gotten a good grasp on how she fights, I'll be making sure Karlack goes full rage mode.  Few things are scarier than raging barbarian opening a can of whoopas, especially if that barbarian is literally on fire! 😱

So I got some community feedback for the Big Magical Giant and the number one request were to include the nipple horns.  So about the nipple horns...I could make a lot of jokes about those things and poking out your eye but that's really low hanging fruit.  Let me just say I find it really hard to look at Magnus with them and keep a straight face.

I mean, I guess you can generously say that they act as a melee deterrent.  Not that it helped much against Russ.  But the community requested it and I'm here to give the community what they want.  Other requests were to include a cape and khopesh which I'm definitely on board with. 👍 Updates for all that are still experimental and off patreon but can be accessed by community members in the usual way.

And like last Grimdark Month, I'm taking community suggestions about how they want the characters posed.  Feel free to PM me your preference!  Sci Fi polling will also be up next week so please have your suggestion in before then.  Thanks!



Inquisitor Drake

maybe a couple of firearm/weapon options for the witch hunter so he can be used for multiple settings?


Yeah, I had a similar idea! 👍 What sort of options would you like to see? 😄

Richard Lalonde

Karlach is one of the best game characters ever. You end up loving her fun, but sweet side, and she's a beast in combat.