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The next Grimdark update is here!

Due to this event, I will not show the majority of Grimdark updates on Patreon anymore.  All community members can still access the updates in the same way I mentioned in previous posts.  Just to be thorough, community members will receive an email with the access information as well.

Please leave any comments/feedback/reactions on this post like you would normally do.




Johnny Turbo

Just got a nicer printer. This is the perfect test print.

Chlas S. Pider

If suggestions are still being taken- what about a leg version? Cannonically he can switch between either so a alternate version where he's got legs would be hella.


Hi, that's a good point but I would like to prioritize the default version first and see what I have to work with afterwards. If you have a pose suggestion that works for snake and leg versions I'll definitely consider it! 👍