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This is a public gallery of printed designs from the wonderful community.  All photos are used with permission and credited when permissible.  Some of them are from the welcome pack and others are on the MMF storefront.  More photos to be added each month!

Want to see the near entire list?  Here's what's in the Consulter tier so far!

For patrons:

Admirer Release​Consulter Releases

Consulter tier always contains the full set of items for a monthly release.

You can find my other designs here.  Patrons get massive discounts!

This patreon is dedicated to making what the fans want.  Every project is based on community suggestions and voting.  It covers all genres from Fantasy, SciFi Alternative and Grimdark.




Didn't even know we could do that: I printed and painted many of yours over these months owO

Johnny Turbo

I totally forgot about the "D" mini. Now I need to find that.


I’ve always wondered how the designs would look when printed, and wow, they look great.