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The final batch of Fantasy updates are here!

So for this month's 1 year+ bonus item, I decided to go with the Lady of Pain from the acclaimed Planescape Torment video game.  The Lady of Pain (also known as Her Serenity) is a fascinating character.  She is the ruler over Sigil (City of Doors which is a gateway to different planes) and does so with an iron fist.  The Lady of Pain is said to have the power to control each and every portal in Sigil, opening and barring them at will (she can apparently even deny gods entry if she wanted to). 

The dabus (her servants), maintain the city, forever fixing and patching its streets at her unspoken command. For all her power, she apparently refuses to be worshipped as a goddess, and anyone brave (or foolish) enough to worship her has met a grisly demise in the shadow of her blades.  Also, the Lady of Pain doesn't care about any local crime but only in maintaining the status quo of neutrality.  Anybody who tries to upset that balance will be punished in ways best left to the imagination.

Anyways, she is one of the coolest looking suggestions I've seen submitted so I really wanted to do my own version. 👍

As per a community request, I've also given Liliana a sweet Necromancer throne.  Now she can sit back and scheme at her leisure. 😈

I've also made some pose updates for other characters.  For patreon, I'm only going to show the alternate versions for the Vortex Beast and Slaughterbrute but the original versions will also have similar poses.

For Sauron I included one more pose variant and a completely non cannon helmetless option.  Normally I wouldn't do this but it was actually part of the suggestion that won the poll so there you go.

The Sci Fi Poll is still up!  I'll share the upcoming schedule and next month's lineup when the final results are in.  Thanks!




Hey, these are awesome! any chance in the future you'd take a shot at any Balders Gate 3 Characters? Id like to see your take on them!


Thanks! 👍 If a BG3 character is submitted into the Fantasy Suggestion Box and wins the poll, I will definitely do it!


Man I'm so grateful for your art in my life, thank you for all you do.