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At long last, after months of tinkering I can finally show a WIP for the Big E vs Khorne Royal Rumble!  

So when I set this patron goal in mind, I had a very specific objective.  I wanted to see the Emperor and Chaos Gods do stuff instead of just playing 4D chess all the time.  Because saying that the Emperor fights an eternal war against the Dark Gods is cool in an abstract sort of way I guess.  But I'd prefer to see it y'know actually happening.

And what better way to depict that than with Big E and Khorne beating the crap out of each other?  Khorne in particular really needs to stretch his legs because all his art makes him look like he's perpetually in some sort of midlife crisis.  Probably because this is the best that Chaos has to offer as a threat.  At least Nurgle looks happy stirring his cauldron. 😄

I'm still working out some details but I hope to have this diorama ready in the coming months.  Will let everyone know when that happens.

I've also got some pose updates for this month's characters.  There was a cigarette pose for Lucy that I really liked so I went with that and I chose a shooting pose for David.

And for Jin Roh fans I got Kazuki Fuse shooting the MG42 machine gun.  I saw a gif of him just mowing people down while marching with that weapon.  Very chilling.  

Oh yeah, I should probably do a quick synopsis of the anime since I forgot to do that before.  Jin Roh means Werewolf and focuses on Kazuki Fuse, a member of the elite Kerberos Panzer Cops in alternate Post WW2 Japan (think Wolfenstein).   He meets this girl called Kei who claims to be the sister of a terrorist group the Panzer Cops are hunting down.  From there, the movie is a bit like a cat and mouse game where Fuse is trying to outplay a rival division called Public Security.  I won't spoil the ending but the reason the movie is called Jin Roh is because there is a Red Riding Hood theme running throughout the movie where a wolf is disguised as a loved one.

Like I mentioned before, the stormtrooper outfit makes him ideal for some creative sci fi alternatives so I've included him with a hellgun and plasma cannon variation.  I'll also include a Sturmgewehr 44 later.

Got some diorama stuff for Lucy, David and She-Venom in the works as well.  After several passes on the She-Venom costume, I've come to the conclusion that I'm probably overthinking her design.  So I'll include a more standard look for her as well and very special diorama.  Will show the rest of the stuff once they're ready.

Grimdark polls are still up so feel free to cast your vote!  




woooooooo my god emperor 😲😲😲😲😲😲😍


These are incredible, but just out of curiosity would it be possible to get a version of Khorne without the tongue? Or would it be easier for me to just snip it off post print?


Very well done again.


Yesssss you're so frigging cool man, you're the best 😁😁😁

Johnny Turbo

Well crap, there goes my resin budget on that sweet diorama.


The last one looks like a „Gasmaskensoldat von Schlacht“ on Steroid if you know what i mean.


Yep, based on the setting, they're all supposed to give off that sort of vibe.

Vex (Mark) Vocalord

You just keep making better and better dioramas.


I need to print this right now. Amazing.


YES!!!!!!! I cannot wait to get this in my showcase :-D Amazing work!


The Emperor in action is literally the coolest, most epic thing ever & you certainly do him justice, please make this happen!


This thing is fucking nice . I just can’t wait till it will be up and I can print it