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The Grimdark vote results are in!  So, it looks like Chaos reigns supreme on one end while on the other side, the Eldar finally get a win!  Wow, the sisters won another poll even though it's on the other end of the spectrum. I guess they'll be popular no matter which faction you root for.  Yes, I'll include Fulgrim this round because putting him on another poll will just be sad.  Seriously, I gave Mr. Perfect three chances to win and he couldn't capitalise on any of them. 🤦‍♂️

It's actually kind of fortuitous that Fulgrim and Khaine won this round because they actually had a scrap during the Horus Heresy.  Guess who got the plot armour in that scuffle? 😄 But I don't think I'll do Khaine dirty like that next month.  The angry company and the writers have taken enough dumps on the Bloody Handed already.  

I'll put Yvraine in the category of 'we'll see how things go'.  I know she got the second highest vote count but Fulgrim and Big E Vs Khorne have been in the queue much longer so I really want to get those done first.  I also have a pretty good idea where I want to take the Khorne/Nurgle sisters already whereas Yvraine will take more time for me.  If I can't get to her next month, I'll definitely include her in the next Grimdark month.  

In other news here's the final breakdown for the Sci Fi items.  I'll need to do some finishing touches on all of them so they'll only be available at the beginning of June:

Tier 3

  • Witchblade Standing Pose (parts and single version)
  • Witchblade Attack Pose (single version)
  • Witchblade Diorama (single version)
  • Nova/Kerrigan Standing Pose (parts and single version)
  • Kerrigan Sitting Pose (single version)
  • Seras Victoria Cannon Pose (single version)
  • Seras Victoria Sniper Pose (single version)
  • Nova/Kerrigan Tower with Helmet (single)

Tier 2

  • Witchblade Standing Pose (single version)
  • Witchblade Attack Pose (single version)
  • Nova/Kerrigan Standing Pose (single version)
  • Seras Victoria Sniper Pose (single version)

That's it for Sci Fi month!  Hope everyone enjoyed what came out of it.  Okay, now I'm going to prepare some torches and pitchforks because it will be straight up heresy in June.  For the Dark Gods!  




No fulgrim ? 😭😭😭

Johnny Turbo

This is for next month. On the first you get the Sci-Fi stuff. On July 1st you'll get the Grimdark stuff.

Simone Spinozzi

༼ つ ◕u◕ ༽つ🍀💖

Barry Eye

I can't seem to find any of the Suggestion box links/instructions - could someone point me to how to find them? Thanks in advance!


Will Yvraine still be made? Kinda was looking forward to see her :/