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Got another WIP as the Emperor's Champion finally launches himself into the thick of battle!   

When I think of the Emperor's Champion, several things come to mind.  I think of an Astartes so mighty, he is capable of carving through heretics like wet paper.  I think of a warrior of such unmatched zeal and fury, he will hunt traitors to the farthest corners of the galaxy and make them regret all their life choices.  And finally I think of Sigismund's words at the beginning of the Horus Heresy book series: "In the far future, there is only war."

So with that in mind, I modelled the Emperor's Champion and terrain to reflect his mission.  To never tire and push ever forwards.  While the rest of the Imperium goes into a decaying stasis, the Black Templars never abandoned the Crusade and will keep hunting the alien, the mutant and the heretic for all time.  

The Emperor's Champion pose should be ready early next week.  I'm also planning on making the terrain into tilesets so players can mix and match as they please.  This will also be available sometime next week.  Stay tuned!  




Totally badass. Any chance we could get an alternate version for those of with more heretical inclinations?


This design puts GW's to shame with how dynamic and imposing it is. Absolutely beautiful.


Hi MikeB, maybe. I still have some things I want to do with this project. We'll see how much time I get. However, I do plan to make a blank version without iconography so players can add their own.

Simone Spinozzi

i like the details you added on the legs, the arms, etc... and the environment you created... but it feels like everything i said in the last post was useless... i'm sorry about that. Will try and provide better feedback in the future. 😅

altsien .

Where do I find a big enough printer for this diorama


Absolutely amazing


They were definitely useful, I implemented a bunch of your changes (helmet and the air tubes).


I'll make the terrain in separate parts so it'll be easier to print. I'll also include a single version just in case.

Joe Beddoe

Everything about the Emperor's Champion is fantastic. The dynamism in the pose, the fludity of the action and the menace that radiates from him just screams, "IN THE EMPEROR'S NAME LET NONE SURVIVE". This is a beautiful creation, sir. "Well done" doesn't begin to cover it. I know there are other projects in the works but maybe you could consider doing a Sisters living saint? I love me some Celestine but there are others out there...I'd love to see your vision of one come to life!


Hi Joe, thanks I'm glad you like it so much! I can definitely add a Living Saint option to the next round of voting. If there's enough votes then it can be done!

Joe Beddoe

I can contribute some sample pics if someone doesn't know what one is...


Don't worry, I've got a pretty good idea what they look like. I can definitely provide examples.


I’m not even into 40k, and I can’t wait to print and paint this guy.


I printed this as one piece and it came out perfect... except for the right arm. I missed two little spots and his under arm is flat and gross haha. I am now printing it piece by piece but I find the nubs don't really want to go into the sockets so I just snip them off. Overall though, this is amazing. If you haven't watched Helsreach on YouTube, definitely check it out. It has a champion in it that looks glorious in his later episodes. (not part of Grimaldus' crew but he shows up after a certain point)


Hi Ronan, thanks! I've heard of the series and caught snippets of it. But I'll definitely look out for the Emperor's Champion you mentioned!

Sascha Dörfer

can i still get this stl file anywhere ?