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The votes are in and we have an unexpected three way tie between the Fleshfiend, the Emperor's Champion and the Marilith!  I'm always surprised how close these polls are but this is the first time so many unique suggestions got equal votes.

Normally I'd pick one as the winner but it seems that patrons really want these creations.  So here's what I'll do: because of this unique result I will do a single pose for each of these three characters.  They will be created in the following order:  the Fleshfiend, the Emperor's Champion and finally the Marilith. 

So there you have it!  While unexpected, it should be fun tackling each of these unique projects.  I'll start with the Fleshfiend and provide an update when it starts coming together.

Thanks to all the patrons who voted and congratulations if your choice got picked!  




Thank you!! I think getting more unique models at the cost of poses is a good tradeoff.


The fleshfiend concept art is amazing. never seen a model like it before


Thank you very much, I'm looking forward to the result!


Neither have I! It's a homebrew D&D monster as far as I can tell. Should be interesting!