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Hello everyone,

Seasons Greetings!  I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays.  Before the year ends, I would like to show a WIP for the Succubus.  Unique among demons, these temptresses beguile their prey with unnatural beauty and illusions.  But make no mistake, once mortals are ensnared, they are doomed to a painful death as the Succubus drains their life away.  I hope to capture that beauty and terror within the miniatures.

The basic costume is done but I still need to work on the wings and fine tune her appearance.  Patrons, feel free to provide feedback and if you would like me to change anything.  The next WIP will probably show her weapon set, currently planned to be a spear and whip.    

Stay tuned and Happy Holidays!  




Amazing. Say, 3DAG, could you perhaps have her stance a bit more forward, like she's taking a step to come towards the viewer, and perhaps making a beckoning gesture that matches that tongue-tip? ;^) Hmm, found something similar: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/seductive-gesture-side-view-woman-come-137618729


Sure thing! I was actually planning on something along those lines for one of her poses.