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Here are some WIPs for the second version of the Steampunk Minotaur.  After some experimentation, I managed to design a detective uniform more suited to a Minotaur's girth while keeping the Steampunk theme.  Unlike his more aggressive versions (headhunter and gunner), the detective is a posh sort of bloke who enjoys puffing cigars and wearing a monocle. There may be a lot of Minotaurs out there, but I'm pretty sure this is one of a kind.  

The detective version should be available by the end of the week as well as all the Tier 2 and Tier 3 related assets.  The gunner version is already available to Tier 3 patrons (previous post).  After all Minotaur assets are released, I will be turning my attention to the Death Knight project.  Stay tuned!  



Simone Spinozzi

*No Guns Life vibes intensifying* that's (obviously) totally not a fake moustache. you can tell by the look in his ocular lenses. I love how you transformed a "wired camera" into a monocle. 🤣😂🤣😂👍💖 I once asked an artist: "what's the point of this [insert specific detail here] ?" he pretty much answered with: "Honestly i have no idea, i took inspiration from various things i saw. If people who actually know the function of those things can tell me if they look appropriate then i know i did my job right, but most of the times i look at stuff that works and try and make things that look in a similar way, as if "they could work". Honestly, if i can ispire somebody who actually knows how to do things properly with my art... i know i did well. Otherwise ... it's just a fantasy. I like when i hit a mark and people tell me when i got it right, especially when they tell me "why" i got it right, but most of the times i don't try and get my hopes that high up. That would be hubris. I draw speculative art. That is enough for me." - J. E. Shields. (2019)