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Here we go again, the next round to determine what awesome project to embark on.  We have a lot more suggestions and that's great!  Some are pretty self explanatory but I'll provide some clarification for the more unique ones:

Death Knight:  Okay, it's really a Chaos Lord from Warhammer 40K.  Examples here and here.  I'm calling it a Death Knight to avoid copyright infringement.  But if chosen, I will definitely give it the proportions and style of a Chaos Lord.  

Steampunk Mechanic: A mechanic with steampunk flair.  Example here.

Horror Dog: Hoo boy, don't even know how to explain this one.  Here's the concept art and it's awesome: Horror Dog 

There you go!  All the suggestions are really unique so I'm excited to see what will be chosen.  

Voting will end on Sunday, 20th October.  


Simone Spinozzi

Argh! They asked steampunk. My weakness... i can't not vote it!


I'm thrilled for the mechanic or Frankensteins Monster. voted for both :D lets see :D


If its the Minotaur, what style? Something like the Style from Zaelot Miniatures would be great.


The "dog" seems to be the most unusual.


Gents we have seen plenty of minotaurs and centaurs in our days. However, I don't believe I have seen that Bear trap dog anywhere.


They have great detail. I would definitely try to make something just as awesome!


I mean, i saw so many classic Minotaures that it would be cool to see something that breaks out of the usual design concept.


It would depend on what the original requester wanted I guess. If they wanted something really unique I would do that for them.