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A WIP of the horror is here!  Here's a quick snapshot into it's general appearance!  

As with the concept art, the Diseased Horror is a walking disgusting pustule, seething with disease and corpulence.  It harkens back to the concept of Lovecraftian cosmic horror: a monster that is indescribable and beyond human understanding.

I've taken the basic diseased look from the concept art and added a few more tentacles and gnashing mouths.  My next step is to give it a better pose and improve more visual details.  

What do you guys think?  Is the Diseased Horror living up to it's name?  Patrons, feel free to chip in with your take!  




Love it! Just arrived today and didn't expect this surprise. It will be perfect for my Zombicide game. As soon as I have good print I will share it. Just could be improved with an action pose

Simone Spinozzi

Oooh! Nice! for a moment i feared you were going to outright copy the original thing. But i seriously love your work here! Givess me both vibes of shoggot and the warcraft 3 "abomination" unit ❤️


Sure thing, definitely will add a cool pose! The project just started and I still need to add a lot of detail!


I'm really feeling it! If those skulls are in-scale this is one big boy.


Not something you want to meet, ever. I'd say it's suitably horrible already.


Oh yes, he's huge in the concept art as well. Definitely towers over the average adventurer. I'd say even bigger than an ogre!