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A new batch of updates are here! Please note not all WIPs are shown on patreon. New turntables and all WIPs here. So with the Shadowsun proxy, I thought I'd try and do something a little different and give her the 40K equivalent of a surfboard. Sorry, giant T'au drone thingamabob. 😄 Not only does this open up more options for dynamic posing, she now has gear that makes the Dark Eldar Hellions green with envy.

Plus now at least, I can sort of rationalize how Shadowsun escaped certain death from two Space Marine Captains. Deus ex machina surfboard to the rescue! 😅 Do something Cawl, the T'au are embarrassing the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Anyways, Shadowsun also have different options to swap out weapons including the Fusion Blaster, Missile Launcher and shield. To top it all off, she will come with new missile, blaster and exhaust effects. Sweet! 👍

Next we have a whole bunch of new Helldiver goodness! Last time, I asked whether fans wanted actual diving poses and the answer was a resounding yes! So here we go, Helldivers doing their best Max Payne impression, dodging enemy fire and looking cool while doing it! I'll include a special base to support this dynamic pose. And along with the Punisher and Shotgun, I'll also include the standard Liberator Rifle for Helldivers to swap in and out.

Finally, I've created a whole bunch of poses and a special diorama to help Super Earth's recruitment! With poses this cool, everyone will want to sign up with the Helldivers.

"This is Super Earth Propaganda."

"Yes, it worked. Triple the Defense Budget!"

Grimdark voting is underway. Feel free to cast your votes here and here! Eva 01 and Dune updates coming next, stay tuned!




Image 30/33 is SCREAMING to be converted into a Cobra Commander! LOL


Why does Shadowsun looks so human? Is it due to copyright?