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The Sci Fi Vote Results are in! And the Helldivers with DP-53 variant took the win with a complete blowout! Nice, looks like a large part of the community are fans of Managed Democracy! 😄

Evangelion Unit 1 Berserker did respectably this round so I'll definitely add that to the May queue as well.

And finally, think I'll add Paul Atreides into next month's slot. Dune's pretty topical right now and it'd be cool to finally do my take on the original God Emperor.

Trigun Vash and the Three Storms have been on a lot of Sci Fi polls and have always been sort of midway. So I think I'll finally schedule them for the August Sci Fi month. I feel like the fans who consistently vote for them deserve it.

Okay, I have a few more character updates I didn't get to this month yet. Please note not everything is shown on this post. Alternate versions can be seen in the usual way with today's date. So first off, let's get our daily dosage of cheese.

Remember that song I mentioned earlier this month? Well this diorama is pretty much that and he's doing it all the time. Hey, I don't make the lore - I just make fun of it like everyone else. 😄 But if you're a GK Supreme Grandmaster, you're going to be pretty cheesy. And Chaos really doesn't like fighting GK armies. Their sheer hatred of the Daemonic and hexagrammic wards creates a psychic effect that makes it painful for Daemons to be around them and may even make the lesser ones burst into flame.

Next we have Morathi's snake version. I decided to really lean into the snake theme for this version so she'll be slithering on top a pile of skulls as she commands her armies. She's have a standard snake tail, and a more armored decorative version.

Fantasy fans wanted a more humanoid version of the Vampiress so I went ahead and did that. Also included one more monstrous pose.

And finally this month's bonus character is something I've been working on in the background for awhile. So back in November last year, I said I'd make 2.0 versions of the characters I needed to remove from the welcome pack so they'd be GW proof. And this month I finally got one of them sort of done.

Behold, Super Smurf 2.0! Rejoice Smurf fans, you're ridiculous plot armor just got another unnecessary buff! 😄

But seriously, I do intend to make alternate versions with more dynamic poses which will be available in the welcome pack (and a different face, I promise) but I really needed to get the ball rolling. So this pose will be exclusive to the 1 year+ group. Speaking of which, I seem to have hit some sort of limit to how many archives I can add to the 1 year+ item link so I'll have to add him to a new one. 1 Year+ community members, please look out for that.

Okay, so here's what will be available in next month's lineup.

May 2024 Standard Rewards

  • Grey Knight Supreme Grandmaster proxy (Parts Version)

  • Grey Knight Supreme Grandmaster proxy (Single Version)

  • Grey Knight Supreme Grandmaster proxy diorama

  • Arueshalae proxy (Parts Version)

  • Arueshalae proxy (Single Version)

  • Morathi proxy Elf Version (Parts Version)

  • Morathi proxy Elf Version (Single Version)

  • Morathi proxy Monster Version (Parts Version)

  • Morathi proxy Monster Version (Single Version)

  • Vampiress (Parts Version)

  • Vampiress (Single Version)

1 Year + Bonus items

  • Super Smurf 2.0 (Parts Version)

  • Super Smurf 2.0 (Single Version)

Just a reminder if a community member pledged as a Consulter or Merchant in month N, they will receive an email with the welcome pack information for month N. Emails may land in your spam so please check accordingly.

Alright, get strapped in Helldivers and don't forget to grab a cup of Liber-Tea! For Super Earth!
