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Due to this event, there are some Grimdark style content from this WIP will not show Patreon anymore.  Community members can still access this content and in depth summary of the character in the same way I mentioned in previous posts.  Just to be thorough, community members will receive an email with the access information as well.

Please leave any comments/feedback/reactions on this post like you would normally do for that character. Thanks!

Okay, with that out of the way, let's start by savoring GK cheesy goodness! 🤤 The Supreme Grand Master will now demonstrate all the ways GKs can bring the pain! For melee, they get the mighty Thunder Hammer/Nemesis Halberd to render the hordes of unclean masses into a pulpy mess (I plan on showing this in the final update).

For ranged combat GKs get a special wrist mounted Storm Bolter while the typical Terminator holds it in their hands. My proxy will also include a special muzzle flash just for this type of weapon.

And since GKs are all psykers, I'll have a version where they can channel the power of the warp to fry all the daemons and heretics they come across. Big E's purifying light will purge all the enemies of mankind! I bet GK player's mouths are watering just thinking about it. 😄

For Arueshalae's poses, I wanted to show her shooting at different angles. One in the standard archer pose and one where she's actually flying to shoot (a missed opportunity in the game IMO). As a certain character once demonstrated, having the high ground is a major benefit because you can roll with advantage and potentially crit. 😉 Finally, I made one pose that's closer to her in game portrait, admiring the beauty of Desna's grace. I got her holding the bow properly now as well. 😄 Tail or no tail options will be available.

Sci Fi voting is underway so feel free to cast your vote! More Fantasy updates and the bonus character will be shown later as well, stay tuned!



Marco Perez

Love the WOTR representation. Hope Regill's an option on the next fantasy vote.


Thanks! 👍 Sure, I'll definitely add him if he gets added to the Fantasy suggestion box!