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Hi everyone!

I'm pleased to announce a new joint cross promotion with Print Minis!  They specialize in creating printable Grimdark miniatures and have a wide assortment of assets, ranging from characters, vehicles and buildings! This month they are offering the Pit Fighters from their range of releases. Community members can grab the Pit Fighters here.

I'll let them elaborate:

Hi everyone,

We're really excited to share our two Pit Fighters with you today. They are a pair of mechanically modified humans, sporting a massive saw blade arm, destined to fight to the death for sport! Great Houses sponsor them and the denizens of the undercity flock to the Fighting Pit to place bets. Who do you think will win?

The Pit Fighters are from this month’s collection of sci-fi STLs. If you love them, and wish to subscribe, you will receive the Fighting Pit terrain piece, alongside many other fun models for your tabletop. Check out the full collection render to see what they are. 

We actually release our STLs weekly over on Patreon and MMF Tribes, so there’s something fun to print every Monday! All our models inhabit the same grimdark city, so you can build up a cohesive collection over time :)

Here are our links, if you want to know more:



Happy printing :)

Kind regards

Gem & Andy

Thanks Print Minis! Please check out their links and enjoy their huge selection of miniatures including their March release!



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