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In addition to the regular assets and tokens I will be making (Including the new ¨family¨ token style) I will be start posting additional homebrew rules, statblocks, pc builds to complement the tokens and Assets. This will not mean a reduction in the current rate of production, I just will show what Im using in my own campaigns, and if you want to take it, feel free to use them. My plan is to have complete Foundry VTT small modules after every piece is done (Im calling them ¨Delves¨). I will be using PF2e, as many of you know, but I will make heavy modifications on the system (While in the boundaries of the design) and taking heavy inspiration from DnD 4e. As you might have noticed, I have started to put a little ¨role¨ tag on every token. Again this is all in addition to what Im currently offering. (Delve modules will be available to every Patreon from Tier 2 and up)



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