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"No, please save us, Lucifer-sama."

This time, the trace of haughtiness or pride was no longer seen on Suzaku's face.

All she could do was just grovel on the ground, begging him so Riser would help the Five Principal Clans that were in crisis.

Hades, the god of death that appeared in the history and stories of many, could only lie on the ground without knowing whether he was dead or not.

As long as Riser was willing, Suzaku knew that the Five Principal Clans could be saved.

However, Riser didn't say anything and looked at Suzaku for the first time. Previously, he never put this young woman in his eyes, but as a woman from the Himejima clan, her appearance was exceptional.

Like Akeno, her long, beautiful black hair was tied in a ponytail, showing her white nape that was hidden. Her red eyes were moist and reddened; whether it was from fear or desperation, one could really read her mind to know.

Yet, there was no doubt when she appeared like this, she was just bewitching.


Riser could feel the gazes of his women on him, which made him helpless.

Yet many wondered whether he had the hobby of lowering and humiliating those women who stood above others.

Watching those women who could only look up by many groveled, erasing all the pride and haughtiness on their faces, Kuroka thought that this was probably Riser's hobby.

Riser wasn't sure why, but he felt like he needed to punish Kuroka later.

Still, hearing Suzauku's request, he thought for a moment and asked, "Now that you mention it, what is Five Principal Clans?"


"...are you serious, dear?" Sona asked helplessly.

"You can't blame me for not knowing it. There are so many human groups in the world. Do you think I should remember all of them?"


When he said those words, they felt like his argument was fair. While the Five Principal Clans were famous in Japan, they didn't have much presence internationally.

While Suzaku was speechless, she decided to explain the Five Principal Clans to Riser, even if she was full of desperation since she knew that the only one who could save her clan was him.


Riser pretended that he didn't know much about the Five Principal Clans, but then, he asked, "When did you join the alliance? Why didn't I know about this?"

"But we had joined this alliance..." Suzaku was so meek and helpless.

"Then, who handled this matter?" Riser looked around, trying to find someone who took care of the alliance of the Five Principal Clans before his eyes stopped on one figure. "Is it you, Ajuka?"

"Yes, I was the one who took care of the alliance of the Five Principal Clans."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's just a small clan in a small country. There is no need for you to be busy to be troubled by this problem, Lucifer-sama."

Riser raised his brow and knew that after the incident with the Great Red, they weren't in the same position anymore, especially when Ajuka started to call him with "-sama" suffix instead of "-kun," which Ajuka used before.

Unlike before, Ajuka's current situation was far from good as he was as good as he was alone. Except for a few individuals who followed him, his house had long distanced themselves from him, especially when Ajuka's callousness to discard his little brother was known.

After all, among the devils, who hadn't done a bad thing?

If Ajuka could discard his little brother, then wouldn't he do the same with the rest of the people in his surroundings?

That was why all members of the Astaroth House, led by Latia Astaroth, joined Riser's group at the same time.

If there was a reason why Ajuka could stay in this place, it was all due to Ajuka's position as the Beelzebub.

"A small clan, eh?" Riser stared at Suzaku, wondering what she was going to say. However, she lowered her head, biting her lower cheery-colored lip without saying a single word.

After all, compared to the alliance or even the individual power of Riser, even if the Five Principal Clans were combined, they were nothing.

"You told me that your clans should have a deep relationship with Shinto gods. Why did you come to me, requesting my help instead like I owe you something instead of coming to them whom you have worshipped for so long?"

Hearing this question, Suzaku didn't know what to say and could only sigh, feeling an extreme weakness.

"Please forgive me, Lucifer-sama. I know that my words and actions have offended you, but please... Please save the Principal Five Clans. When you do, we will all swear all loyalty to you, giving you our everything!"

Putting her head on the ground, kowtowing, she showed the graceful shape of her body that was accentuated by her kimono.

It was said that a kimono wasn't suitable for those with plump bodies, but this woman was an exception.

"You haven't answered my questions."

"They... they are scared and run away."

"Oh? Are the Shinto Gods running away from this enemy?"

While the Japan Gods, who heard this, were angry, they couldn't get angry at Riser and only stared at Suzaku hatefully, thinking that the Five Principal Clans weren't worthy of their help!

Riser only glanced at the Japan Gods and didn't say anything since no matter what the culture, era, and anything in the supernatural world, those who were weak didn't have a right.


"Who is the enemy?"


Hearing the name of the one who had caused trouble for the Five Principal Clans, everyone was startled and in disbelief.

"Tiamat? How could it be?"

"Why did she suddenly attack the Five Principal Clans?"

"What's happening?"


Naturally, they were familiar with it since Tiamat was one of the Dragon Kings. More importantly, though, she was the manager who managed the "Rating Game," so when they found out that she had caused destruction on the Five Principal Clans, they were all startled.

"I didn't lie! Please help us! Right now, we're in a desperate situation..."

Suzaku quickly narrated what was happening from the beginning to the end and how two of the clans had been decimated, leaving only the remaining three. Even worse, the two divine beasts from those two clans were taken away, and it might be only a time before the rest of the clans were as goon as over.

Tiamat might be a dragon king, and Riser could defeat her anytime, but what about others?

She was as good as the symbol of destruction.

"What did you do so you were attacked by Tiamat?" Riser asked curiously.

"We don't know! She just suddenly attacked us out of nowhere!"

Riser sighed and said, "Please tell the truth. If you can't even be honest about this problem, how can we help you?"

"But we really didn't do anything..."

Yet, did her words have the power to persuade others?

Instead of the Five Principal Clans, all the people here knew Tiamat's mild temper and knew that as long as no one provoked her, she wouldn't do anything. In other words, the Five Principal Clans did something and caused Tiamat's anger, yet Suzaku didn't tell them, making all their impression of these clans of humans even worse.

"We really didn't do anything..."

Suzaku was even desperate since no one believed her. Frankly, she also wondered whether some of the members of the Five Principal Clans did something, but she definitely couldn't say this since if she said so, then her clan was as good as over.

"However, Tiamat is our long-time friend, the devil. I just can't attack her all of a sudden just because of your words."


"Hmm... if you beg me so much, and since you are my woman's cousin, then I will reluctantly help you, but I think there is someone who is more suitable to handle this."

Riser then looked at Ajuka and asked, "Ajuka-kun, can you handle this?"

Ajuka stared at Riser in silence.

"You were the one who handled the Five Principal Clans, right? Moreover, your relationship with Tiamat is good. You should be able to find the middle way to solve this problem, right?

"I believe in you."

Ajuka took a deep breath and knew that Riser's revenge was about to start now.


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