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Our Hero of Time is still adjusting to his new life as a bunny... forever trapped in the dark world.

But what can he do? No Sword, no Shield.... At least the crowds of monsters seem to love his lovely dance routine...which comes too naturally to him. Almost as though his proficiency with a sword was traded in for an alluring exotic dance talent that draws in crowds (and rupees) from far and wide. 

Wasn't there a kingdom he was supposed to save? Hyroll? Hyerille?  ...gosh it's hard to keep track of dumb hero things. Word on the street is that there's a new and improved pair of expensive high heels that can be bought with rupees instead of going through the hassle of trudging through a nasty dungeon to acquire them.  Why does that sound like so much fun to him? Is this some kind of bunny thing? 

Maybe being a bunny isn't so bad...



Angry Nerd Bird (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-11 17:36:18 <3
2019-08-02 11:32:01 <3
