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So, three focus points.

April's coming up! Almost done with reqs and rewards. The theme is April Pals, so expect some cute platonitickles!

May's also on the agenda, so suggest themes. May Flowers? Come What May? Monster May?

And an important one, and the focus of this poll: UPPER TIER CHANGES.

Although the monthly reqs are a great reward that I have no plans on taking away, they've been far more overwhelming than anticipated due to demand. The workload is... a lot. So, I have two solutions.

1. Up the prices for all tiers by a small amount (approximately $2-5 more). Although I understand this isn't the ideal solution, the amount of work I'm ending up doing is outweighing my payout as a creator and I'm ending up too burned out to supplement my income with commissions. Even increasing the tier prices a small amount would help up my overall payout, but it would require me to unpublish and republish tiers.

2. Change how it works from monthly to bimonthly, with all request-tiers split into two groups: Group A and Group B, who take turns on alternating months. This'd halve my workload, but I also understand that getting requests bimonthly is a big change from the usual.

Let me know which solution you guys would prefer. This is a change that hurts to make, but one that must be made for the sake of my stability and sanity.



For a May theme: Mayke Me? I don't know if the theme could be spread wide enough but the "someone says make me shut up/stop/etc an gets wrecked" Is a great trope.


Either of the two options honestly feels appropriate to me for the tier changes, having you burnt out on something that is intended to be fun for everyone is not good for anyone ; 3 ; . Though I voted for half the work load, as I feel allowing you to take on more com's as well as patreon rewards sounds the most appealing, give people that can't jump on the limited patreon slots a chance to get some work from you as well! (and the more selfish reason of making it feel a bit better for if I want to bump up the sketch to a colored piece >//>; *coughs* ). As for the may theme, I rather like May Flower to be honest, that sounds like a fun concept to explore. Having a tough time coming up with anything else, 'The May forward' popped into my head but I have know idea what theme that would experience ^^; Or 'May weather friends' but again, unsure how that would translate into a theme, but thought id bring them up to see if you had any thoughts on it > 3 <