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"It's a fairly simple one, I think. One of my best, certainly - sometimes the greatest traps come under the guise of the most simplistic, nyah! Two niiice soft plush chairs, elevated at an angle, either side of a big long fluffy roller!"

"Yes, you got it, I love fluffy rollers~ They're so easy to put together, and you can make them soft and plush or scratchy and scribbly - you can even use them to cover your victim in itchy powders or oils! If you control them remotely, you can change the speed settings and keep them guessing-"

"Ah, yes, back on track. See, these two gals I have in mind are gymnasts, and they're real pieces of work. They'll be positioned in the seat like so - it's okay, just sit your butt right on there, nyaha - and the chute up there will drop a key down between them. Rest your paws on the roller, will you? Excellent!"

"As you can feel, they'd have to keep their paws on that tickly-prickly roller to stop the key from falling out of reach. But even if they have to work together to keep the key up, only one can hold it in their delicate little toes and use that flexibility to unlock their bindings."

"Ah, the catch, you said? Nyaha! You learn quick! Once the timer runs out, they'll be assaulted by - fanfare please! - more tickle-rollers! Their poor defenseless ribs and sides will be attacked by new super-soft tickly brushies~ even the sides of their pretty breasts will be targeted! Of course, if one unlocks herself, she can escape, but whether she'll extend an olive branch to her rival... nyahaha, we'll see about that!"

"Oh, and apprentice... why don't you keep that seat warm for a spell while I go fetch the gals? They should be coming out of a tournament in an hour or so, all tired out from bitching and stepping on the other competitors!"

"Don't you move, now. You know I have eyes all over the place. Just rest your pretty toes on that brush, ignore the one whirring closer to your sides, and I'll be right back~"




Popped in to see all these respective images come out, and I have to say I adore them heavily >//> the concept is just a super fun one, Saw but with tickling is the kinda idea that's flowed in and out of my head but not being an artist, could never really capitalize on xD But seeing it done here and done so well has just been a treat. Can't wait to see the 'no nut November' stuff as well, and continue to support you more fully going forward! >//> Fantastic worrrkk! ^3^


Aww I'm glad you like them! They're some meeeean ideas~ If you have any other ideas that have popped into your head in the past, shoot 'em in the comments of any of my posts, I get a lot of inspo from commenters' takes on my work!


Ohh? wwelll I'll have to do that if I happen to remember/come up with any >//> glad to hear it! :3