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"Dr Latter."

"Miss." The doctor bows deep, coat fluttering. "I simply can't wait to show you the new mascot I've engineered for our company!"

"Well, you won't have to." She gestures with a broad hand. "Lead the way, doctor."

Chattering excitedly to the CEO's murmured agreement, Latter leads her superior down the white corridor to the research lab, mouthing a drumroll as she punches in her keycode, allowing the doors to hiss and slide open.



Standing in the middle of the room is what looks like a huge gold teddy bear. A pair of pricked ears sit atop its head, a mechanical face smiling pleasantly. The CEO looks around the creature's form, studying it with her eyes; soft-looking gel nipples and paws, a glowing padlock at its crotch, a pair of waving feelers and- is that a stinger-?

"What am I looking at, here, Latter? I'm not opposed to it, it looks wonderful, but I'm a little... lost."

"Well!" Snickering, the doctor presses a few buttons. "This is the ideal mascot for our little business here. Tickle tools and toys, the most sensual of devices, bondage chairs, tickle machines! What better mascot than one you can test on our very own Tickle-Bug!"

Pushing a large pink button, she grins as the beast begins to buzz faintly, rising up. Its movements are a little slow, but as more buttons are toyed with, it becomes more lively - looking around, face turning to a happy grin, waving at the CEO with a huge plush paw.

"Marvellous." She cants her neck, examining the creature. "Is it robotic? Animatronic?"

"Better! It's a manned mascot suit!"

Cackling, Latter switches on the monitors. The CEO is immediately thrown back by surprise - the glowing screens show a human form, trapped in a fluffy coccoon that squirms and whirs about. Little pink tendrils tickle her ribs, pits, belly - they swirl over her navel and neck, teasing her nipples and clit, moans muffled by a pink tube. Another screen shows the tube connecting to a system of blinking pink lights, a long firm toy pumping in her throat as a similar one thrusts steadily into her hole.

A woman enclosed in her own personal ticklefuck dream.

It's perfect.

"The perfect incentive." Latter snorts. "It's a walking advertisement for ticklegasm therapy. You'll notice the key panel, hm? Well- snrk- not only can that panel be moved aside to try out our series of vibrators and lubricants, hehe, but it also- pfft! It- snrk!"


"Control yourself, Latter, what does it do?"

"It keeps the pilot from being able to finish- pfaha!"

"Oh my god." The CEO reaches out, running a hand over the panel, jumping as the mascot leaps in surprise, waving its big soft paws.

"Careful. H- hehehe. Certain parts of the suit are veeeery sensitive to touch. See, the receptors - especially on the pink gel areas - can sense pressure and increase the tickling at those parts of the body up to a thousandfold!"

"And the-" She swallows, mouth dry. "And the oral tube, doctor?"

"Nutrients, mostly. Stored in the back." She nudges her glasses up. "To keep our actor big and strong as they walk around the emporium - cool, healthy and hydrated. Oh! And the cocktail contains laaaaarge amounts of our GargaLeisure Deluxe."

"With every gulp, they become even more ticklish and horny."


"... My god, Latter, you're..."

"Oh, no, just driven, ma'am. And there's a perfect discipline system, too! The ears up here - careful, they're ticklish, they connect directly to the pressure drivers in the soles of the feet - can be used to deliver orders and instructions to the actor. And if they disobey - well, with the console, you can give them a little punishment! A little zap to the clitty, a harder fucking, some tickling at one of their worst oh-god-not-there tickle spots! When not in use, they play binaural hypnotic beats to ensure that our pet here is fuzzy-brained and drooling at all times~"

"Fuck." She mops at her forehead. "Latter, driven is certainly something you are. This is perfect. How many have you made?"

Latter's eyes glitter behind her lenses.

"One, ma'am, but I can certainly make another few!"

"How many is a few?"

"Well, it can be between three and 'enough to stuff every one of our floor employees into a suit', ma'am."

The CEO buckles at the knees.

"Excellent. Excellent work. Hop to it." She snaps her fingers. "Now, have you seen my secretary? I need some desk service. Your work is just too... breathtaking."

The grin grows.

"Oh, ma'am, who do you think was my first choice to pilot the suit? She was always whining for a promotion~"



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