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So, I like the idea of Valentine's/Romance-themed tickles, and also fancy tickles (silk rope! jewels! gold! velvet!) for February's reward, so I'm thinking of doing both! Two for one, and two for the other.

What kind of things would you guys want to see? I'm a little stuck, but I do love the ideas. There'll definitely be red ribbons, maybe some heart-shaped stocks, perhaps big fluffy teddy bears or feather boas... what do you guys think?



Could you do something with Cupid perhaps? Maybe instead of his arrows causing love, they instead make those struck by them go into tickle happy moods on their loved ones?


I definitely think you should do something with some big fluffy teddy bears (though I may be biased lol) Either one giant one that has her trapped, or a couple of small ones that are tickling multiple areas and leaving her squealing. You could even put a card either on a nightstand or the end of the bed, that says something along the lines of happy valentines from your love.


Maybe something with a cute couple! i mean its the time of romance and love so what is more romantic then getting tickled together?