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Sitting on a high, sandy hill is the sphinx, an ancient gatekeeper with the head of a woman and body of a mighty lion, wings folded at her back as she awaits her next visitor. What lays beyond her gates? A land of endless luxury, some say, a paradise, a verdant oasis among the rolling sandy dunes. Two huge sandstone pillars mark it, and the massive sun-gold panels show no desire to yield to anyone but their mistress.

She'll pose you a riddle. Never the same one twice.  In her lilting, teasing voice, she'll give you the puzzle you must solve to gain entrance... and a 1-hour timer. Don't worry, she'll protect you from the hot sun with her huge shadow, but her claws will make quick work of your sweaty clothes, and once she lays a finger on your skin, you'll understand why the rumours of the sphinx's paradise are only rumours.

Nobody can withstand the tickling. Her fluffy tail flicks and licks at explorers' necks and ribs, teasing navels, tickling sweat-slicked armpits, enough to make you forget all about the riddle until she tauntingly reminds you. 45 minutes! Tickle tickle tickle, cootchie cootchie coo! Where are you ticklish, little toy? Are those feet sensitive from dancing on the hot sand? Maybe a few ticklish licks will cool them down!

30 minutes left! Oooh, between those toes, is that torture? Maybe her nibbling teeth will make you squeal, rough tongue teasing the undersides of those stems? And your thighs can't be neglected, either - sink into her fluff so she can press her fluffy tail between them and see how excited you are to solve the riddle. 

You know the answer, right? No? Think fast! Only 10 minutes left! That belly can't be ignored, it's too ticklish and cute! Fluffy-fluffy-tickles, all over, dancing up your ribs to make you buck and squirm against her soft chest! Maybe she should use those wings, huh? Tickle your belly with her tail while those feathers attack your armpits? 5 minutes now! Time's running out! And you can't defend yourself against the tickling with your arms pinned high!

... Oh, what a shame, you couldn't think of the answer...

Well, she'll have plenty of fun with you - she can drag you through the gates and add you to her collection of other edged, denied tickle pets who failed the riddle of the sphinx. They'll definitely give you a nice warm welcome: if they manage to bring tears to your eyes with their tickling fingers, she says she'll let them cum, and some of them have been waiting a while...




Oho this is looking real good! Might need a follow up and use some of those wings and feathers as well ^^


Lovely to see this idea come to life and a very fun story to go with it as well. Quite the wicked end as well with all those pets working over the newcomer. Love how fluffy the Sphinx looks, certainly appears like a real tickle monster. Great job on it. :)