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Hey Everyone,

It's that time again! I hope y'all are having a great February/Black History Month so far.

I'm kicking myself a little because I didn't have the foresight to look into doing an art piece for Lunar New Years. Do y'all think I should still do one... let me know if that's something y'all wanna see.

Also we got some new friends who joined the Patreon family since last month, so hi new peeps!

I would like to reiterate that I am always open to feedback and that you all should feel welcome to suggest characters and people you'd like me to draw. I think the comments under these updates is a perfect place to do that so let ya boy know.

Artist Life Update:

February kicked off pretty nice. Some of y'all may have known but my birthday was on Monday of last week, so my family has been dragging me around to do stuff all week, so I feel like I haven't been as productive as I could have been but I think that's warranted.

I do however, feel accomplished because I was able to complete a few little things done, administrative wise. but like I said last week i'm doing my best to celebrate the little wins because eventually they'll add up.

Lastly I decided to plan out my month and hopefully I can hit everything I set out to do. it should be easier because I already have the refs and ideas roughly sketched out it's just a matter of sitting down and committing to finishing them. Y'all should be seeing WIPs of a few pieces in a couple of days.

Art Update:

  • I opened the PO Box!
  • I opened the Donation Commissions! If you're interested in that the information is here.
  • I reached 10K on Twitter last night! that was a goal I thought I'd reach a few months down the road. I guess those Mariano pics really did something hahah so I have to figure out something for that!

Things I want to accomplish in the near future:

  • Create a new profile pic (new banner too)
  • Work on developing visual branding for "DroppinDraws"
  • Make products for my (soon to be) shop.
  • Twitter 10k thank you pic

The artwork shown above is a commission sketch of Phoenix from Valorant by @myhfanta on twitter. Check them out if you'd like they commission a lot of hot artwork.



