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I'll finish up the Cammy story next and start a new one with don't know yet. If you want to see someone let me know 🤷‍




I'd love to see a series with poison ivy using her pheromones on Black Canary or Batgirl. Or maybe even Ivy using it on both heroines at the same time.

Mad Max

i'm loving your Jessica Rabbit... but she gets tied up and imperiled in the movie and cartoons, that's what i'm wishing for


I was going to say...Batgirl or Black Canary....but I see that they have been suggested already....but I was wondering what are you uncomfortable about with Batgirl?...her look or something?...just curious....


I’d love to see more jungle girl. I see that you also have used a snake model before...perhaps she could get hypnotized to sleep and coiled by the snake sort of like the jungle book?


Hmmm....I can understand that....that is too bad. Have you thought about using an establishing heroic pose at first that you like and just use a torso shot until she is at a point where she loses her mask and cape?...if you understand what I'm trying to say....lol

tom jones

I'd love to see more of Harely - especially from behind :)

J Scott

Someday I'd like to see you do some Spiderwoman pics. (The Jessica Drew version with her traditional red and yellow skintight outfit) Especially if they were hypno pics, as I always love those..

J Scott

DC's Stargirl would also be nice to see. Especially if she was in her tight blue shorts.. :)