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The coming update will also see the opportunity to play part 2 of the Lazarus Project - your ongoing mission to find out what happened to Dan, and discover what Doctor Lazarus is really up to with those robots (I mean... aside from shagging them πŸ˜…). Since you stole his password, it should be doddle, right? 😏

I'm going to be super tight-lipped about that content, since it works best as a mystery. I will say that you'll get the opportunity to see whichever of the M.A.X./Aurora missions you missed last time, and that I've fixed a couple of issues brought up in chat. Those are:
1. the error where you know M.A.X. whether you met him or not, and
2. ensuring that if you chose M.A.X. in the 1st Medbay scene, you'll be auto-directed to him in Lazarus 1/3.

There will also be some weird shit πŸ˜‚




You're warning us about weird shit *now*? After we've been balls deep in our creation figure? I'm... very excited 😈


πŸ˜‚ Well - I can't promise it'll be weirder than that which has come before. I may have set the bar quite high on that πŸ˜