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With over double Lancelot's score, Dan's lead in Semifinal 1 is so commanding that there didn't seem any point delaying the reward pics!

And featuring a special guest appearance in the last image, too 😜




Oh wow... Dan and Sam really are top tier for me lol


Lmao I'm not even mad at Dan winning. He's gorgeous! I'm just hoping Lancelot has more content coming regardless


Gotta love that slick, oiled look!


It's simpler that the waterhole one but I like it more. I think because the scene is more intimate.


So….what happens next 😝 Seriously, tho this kinda looks like one of Sam memory bank episodes! Really nice 👍🏽 Also, I’m very interested to see the rest of the Sung house lol. Dan & Sam’s room looks super industrial like Most houses we’ve seen but the kitchen is the most modern and clean looking!


I feel like Sam and Dans eventual reunion will be very eventful judging by how "close" they already were before Dan vanished xD


Interesting, interesting... Why did Dan turn his head away after seeing his little brother in the window? :-)


Hehe - no spoilers! But as far as the house goes, most of Branson's Dome is a bit stitched together - old converted habs and a growing number of new builds. Dan - an excellent carpenter - made the Sung's kitchen himself 😃


Oh my! Sam is peeping on Dan.


Sam's elder brother is so damn hot ...


Damn, Dan's dick looks great here!

Benjamin S.

Dan is so hot, and I love Sam sooo much


I really hope Dan is on a secret mission. We need him to reunite with his Ganymede friends.

Aiden Woodstein

Hoping he's somehow still around. Would like to see more of him.