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January sees the first of the Your Favourite Character Semifinals - pitting the 12 top-ranked characters against one another. As you can see, they're a pretty diverse lot... including an immortal futa Daemon, a hard-light ship's computer, a fallen hero with a mullet, and a backcountry revolutionary bombshell.

As usual, a male and a female competitor will be going onto the next round. You can vote for as many competitors as you like - and the winners will feature in a sexy reward pic.

Who will claim victory?

You decide! ๐Ÿ—ณ



I don't really like Lancelot and Lady Ashtaroth that much, so for me the choice is pretty simple ;) (I was hoping for a worthier challenger for Dan, I guess I'll have to wait for the finals for that!)


Dan, idealized by everyone. So, that makes him both perfect and perceived as perfect.


Lancelot my beloved, may God be with ye after this poll... you're gonna need it


I love Dan but Lancelot gets my vote. Kinky A.I. with a large dong? Count me in.


Lancelot seems to divide opinion... I guess you're either into see-thru synthetic guys who like 80's electronica, or you aren't ๐Ÿ˜„


Itโ€™s all about lady ashtaroth !!! Love to see more of her


It is difficult to decide which of chars is hotter, they're all hot!!!


Lancelot is sweet, but Dan has bigger guns, and I'm shallow like that.


Can I say that it is amusing that Dans dick is the smallest one in this picture? xD Also great that Dans winning streak seems to continue ^^


Lancelot has a bigger dong, though. In my camp dong > guns.


No artificial juices :-))


Be very interesting to see the sung bros vs each other at this point


I'm fairly sure they'll be going head to head in the final [plus one other guy!]


Btw, Fatima was winner in two polls. Will you choose another female that did well or will she compete twice?


Well noticed - yes, Krathi makes it into the finals on a technicality [as the highest polled female non-victor]. This does not bother her - victory is all for the Khumon, whatever path it requires.


Great, that's what I assumed, seeing as that she's almost head to head with Lenore. Since I really like her it's also a victory for me.


One other question, does the background mean something? I just noticed that there seems to be a crashed spacestation and some kind of inscription on the stone between Ashtaroth and Fatima.


No clues this time - I was just trying out a new environment I got. I really like it, but the ground is so uneven it's hard to position the characters - so I just shoved in the top of a building for them to stand on ๐Ÿ˜‚


I like it too. Hope there will be an opportunity to use it in a mission.