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Yup... Quarter Final 6. Totally normal. Nothing to see here 😂

This is where the winners of Sidepolls 1 and 2 go head-to-head. In the male contest, hunky, tragic hero Dan Sung is up against naïve acolyte Brother Codex. In the female contest, spunky propagandist Captain Fuukumi is up against kindly milf Mo-Ma

Who will prevail?

You decide! 🗳

As usual, vote for as many contestants as you like. There will be reward pics for both the male and female winner in December 😁



Do you really need us to vote? 😁

Ryan Fox

I would respond to this and have tried. But everything I come up with sounds snarky. So I will just say hopefully people will be happy with the end result. For me, I’m just still over the moon about Chad.


Just who would have guessed that Dan would pull ahead this far, clearly not me xD It's interesting though that Fuukumi is clearly beating Mo-Ma I actually was not expecting that one


Welp, can’t wait for Dan’s set LOL What’s really going to be interesting is when the fan favorites are pitted against each other!


Should be interesting! As the rounds proceed, apparently popular characters can be KO'd [both Sarge and Mo-Ma's votes collapsed in the Quarters]. The Semi Finals may be savage 😂


Ranli did you give yourself a head start and already begin working on Dan before posting the poll? XD


Dan IS nice, but don't we need a change of scenery? :)


I am hoping the rumors of Dan's death have been greatly exaggerated.


I am really sad Dan is dead before we got to know him. Everything about him is amazing.


May I point out that Sam won by a large margin. Something to think about.