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As I mentioned in the last post, 0.3.7a is coming to the finish line. First up, I thought I'd show you the new Galleries. These contain various pieces of art from your game - some single images, some sequences. Thanks to devSin, every character now has a gallery of their own! 😁 

As you know, clicking on a character portrait in the Virtual Stable brings up their Personnel File. We've filled those out with everything but the Information section [that still needs a lot of work, lol, and must wait for another day]. I'm sure we can all agree that the Scene Replays and Galleries are the most important part!

How it works: Clicking on the character portrait in the Personnel File will bring up their Gallery. I actually put in the framework for these over a year ago... there just hasn't been the time to finish them up until devSin so kindly offered to help. Make sure to thank him in the comments! 💝 

Re the Update: I'm now confident that 0.3.7a will be released between the 15th and 17th. Virtually everything is done - mainly just some more testing and some tweaks to the music outstanding. The only big ticket item left is coding the 'Musical Number'... which may be tricky since I want lots of fades and moving images and similar 80's music video type effects 😂 I am committed to making things hard for myself.

Anyway - I'm back to work!





is the 0.3.7a going to be cascaded across the tiers as usual, with few days' delay between each of them?


Something like that! It's always at least 3 days on Early Release to Lieutenants+, and then gets more random [a lot depends on scheduling, the possibility of major bug-fixes, etc.]


Shoul i start a new game? because i don't see any changes (bunker) and no sleeping yet?