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The September Poll begins! 😃

Today, we're doing the second poll of some flashback and side characters... in this case, the family members of your new bunkmates. From left to right, you're seeing: Sam's lovely but bereaved mother, Mrs Sung; Anna's heartless social climber of a mother, Mme Delacroix; Cole's tyrannical industrialist father, Mr Jared Cole Sr.; Ci-Ci's loving and rather curvaceous Mo-Ma; and Sam's tragic hero of a brother Dan.

But who do you like most, and who would you like to see more of? Vote for as many as you like, and expect a sexy reward pic for the male and female winners at the end...


PS: Yes - I haven't done the reward pics for the last Sidepoll yet... Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about them! 😄


Nathanael Dugourd

Oh i see Cole Senior got a tiny mouse too ! perhaps he is so tyrannical because of that :o


Would love more and more Sung family content!

Nathanael Dugourd

i see Sam's big brother is truly loved


How are all 5 options not just "Dan"?


For me the only option here is Dan xD


Dannnnyyyyy 😍😍 Okay that’s out the way! Question 🙋🏽‍♂️ ! When you say “more of” does that mean in a specific update you have planned in the timeline or just more generally through various updates?


Surprised that Mo-Ma isn't steamrolling the female competition, given what she uh... represents lol


I was going to vote for Mr. Cole, but I see he unfortunately has the same problem as Cole :( but I'm happy to vote for Dan.


Mrs Sung is such a great character with a really interesting backstory! I hope we'll see more of her during the game, regardless of this poll.


I am pretty sure, Jared inherited more than small penis from his fahter, therefore I hope we can explore the embarassing sexual adventures of Cole senior very soon.


Absolutely! The Polls make a difference about how much and how soon - but they certainly don't kill a character off!

Adán García

I don´t like Anna that much, but Mme Delacroix is something else. She is such a mystery. I want to know more of her. She looks great too.


I'd have to replay to see her, left Anna at the mercy of the Sergeant, so she wasn't up for talking in the bunkroom, lol


A pity Fatima's brothers aren't included, hope we get to see plenty more of them ;-)


They had their own poll a while back [when they first appeared in the game]. Although none got to the Semi-Finals of the polls, they were popular - and will be featured in the game again!


SAM! & DAN! <3


I love Sam and Dan, but I also want Cole Sr to destroy me so I voted for him

Terrence Powell

I'm afraid I'm an agist. Dan is the only young one!


Everyone has their own tastes! And yes, because it's family background the others are all milfs and dilfs.