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It's out! ๐Ÿ˜


- Find out all about Ensign Cis, and shape your relationship with her.

- 625 new images

- m/f, m/m or mixed routes

- 2 New Maincast characters & 4 New Background characters! [including Cousin Felix]

+ New Walkthroughs for Anna and all Cole paths

+ The big Gojira-Potoum bugfix [Part 1 of the big, all-time, bughunt ๐Ÿ›]


SpaceCorps v0.3.7 For Windows [Mega] 

SpaceCorps v0.3.7 For Windows [Google] 

SpaceCorps v0.3.7 For Mac [Mega] 

SpaceCorps v0.3.7 For Android [Mega] 

Let me know if you like it in the comments below, or over on Discord, or just by hitting that like button below... And I hope you enjoy playing it as much as i enjoyed making it! ๐Ÿ––๐Ÿป

Reach me on my Discord: http://discord.gg/KXggdh7

EDIT - released to Lieutenants 2nd August
EDIT - released to Sergeants 7th August

EDIT - released to Ensigns 9th August

EDIT - released to Cadets 10th August

EDIT - Public Release 12th August

EDIT - Android version added 14th August - apologies for the slight delay!



Jeremy Charles

Have I ever told you that I am so glad saves are safe across updates. I changed computers recently and had to work through several hours of content just to get to the update. This game is huge!


As always, SPOILERS AHEAD!!! The wait for Felix is overrrrr!!! And in a big way haha! I loved all his parts of course, in particular the one with Dan and the one with him and Cis while MC was outside with Sam! I definitely wanna see more of that one hehe! Which brings me to the polls! I was surprised to see those, and my reaction to almost all of them was "well of course!!" :P Cool to finally see what Cis did to Cole! And I wasn't expecting Felix to have had such a long standing crush on MC, that's a nice little contrast to the MC and his feelings for Anna! It would be easy to get complacent and have very basic and shallow dynamics for the characters to have sex, yet you always find a way to make new characters stand out and have their own personalities and goals. Cool stuff! Felix lived up to the hype for me! Music was great as always, I especially loved the U2 cover haha. Oh and that mine scene was hot... this only confirms to me that I quite like the Peril kink lol, and especially that particular scenario when it comes to characters who know each other like Cis and Felix do, lol. Wouldn't mind more of that... Cis and MC have a strong bond developing and I think fans of F/F scenes will be pleased too, all those characters! Surprised to see Hanzi there too! (and a bit intrigued as well...) Overall, great update and as usual I'm left wanting more!!


Huge thanks, remy! Glad you liked it, and a thorough review as always! ๐Ÿ˜ Hehe - well, I've been planning Felix' entry into full canon for a while now, and giving him a crush made sense. For me, a character has to have life of their own to be interesting - and to be interesting to be sexy! Pleased he lived up to my relentless hype about him ๐Ÿ˜‚ I may have to change his haircut in the future tho... I had to post-work it manually in every single render! And fortunately, with the polls, there will be some more to come! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Ryan Fox

Hmm I shall deal with you later Cisโ€ฆand you too Felix, canโ€™t wait ๐Ÿฅฐ

Brett Bernard

I love how you are putting things together so far, but I have one problem. My subscription gives me access to all the early releases and such, yet I only play on Android (my tablet and my phone). May I ask why I am excluded until after even public releases?


Thanks Brett! In answer to your question: I donโ€™t make the Android version myself, itโ€™s ported by The66 after public release. As we move into Phase 2 after the next main update, I plan to figure out porting myself. ๐Ÿ™‚

ben pearson

First and foremost i wanna say how much i love the update as well as this story. I know its early for the poll but i love the back story of felix and his feelings for the main character. The scene where he tried to explain his feelings and the MC didn't recognize kinda broke/got my heart. All to relatable I hope he becomes a main character, or at least a direct interaction with the MC.


Thanks ben! ๐Ÿ˜ Yeah, poor Felix had it pretty bad for MC... and it won't be much of a spoiler to say that he will join main cast later in the game [Cis has already hinted at it ๐Ÿ˜‚]

Adรกn Garcรญa

I like the way my questions were answered. Momma looks great, and the fact that Felix was a pervert in love with the MC is well done. On the other hand, I knew that Dan liked sex with men.


Felix is such a sweetheart - and he's so hot! I admit I didn't understand the Felix love before now, but this update has well and truly converted me :)


I first downloaded this to see the hot, naked men in action, but I actually look forward to the humor as much as anything now. This game always has been laughing out loud. So nice to see Felix and Raz in action!


This update was lovely, I especially liked that we got some insight on Jimmi's close family. The fact that everyone at Ganymede was having a huge amount of sex behind Jimmi's back was particularly hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚ -which actually raises a question... can we say that only a minority of people at Branson's dome (and related homesteads) is actually following Chang's tenets like Jimmi, and most were just paying lip service to the cult? I also wonder, what are the 2 new maincast characters and the new 4 background ones? I am thinking Momma+Felix and the 4 "miners" respectively, but I'm not sure. I should say though, the thing I'm most excited about is that we just have one update before starting the new phase, I'm so looking forward to that! ๐Ÿ˜


Thanks Surfpup! Yeah, thought it would be fun to pair up Raz and Felix ๐Ÿ˜‹


Cheers Luca! Lol, yes... Jimmi is one of the few 'True Believers', because Pastor Chang has specifically concentrated on recruiting him to the Righteous Path. Most are just cowed by it and show outward observance. And you're right - Momma+Felix are the 2 new maincast characters. The miners will appear again [the mystery of the tattoos!], but that's a side-story ๐Ÿ˜€


the tattoo part is very intriguing and I'm very curious to see where that side story will go... -as a side note, I was exceedingly proud of Jimmi when he pointed out the strange inconsistencies in the story, not so dumb after all!


Raz is one of the hottest guys in the game for me, although I think he might treat the MC like his chew toy. It would be a smoking hot night, even if it didn't last past the next morning. Felix, on the other hand, seems to have a deep and long-lasting connection with the MC which kind of melts my heart.


Hehe - he *can* be insightful ๐Ÿ˜ It's just something that has to be built on!


Now I can't wait for the mc to meet Felix for real again. And since you said we can share Cole with others I hope we can eventually share him with Felix too.


In the far, far future I also hope both the Constable and our dear cousin get their own full paths too because it seems both of those boys are in the process of stealing my heart in addition to Cole's whole rivals to lovers trope which I can't help being a sucker for.


You my good sir outdid yourself with this one! It was spot on great content for anyone and made sis character very likeable :)


Oh my god, laughing my ass off here. Couple weeks ago in one of the teaser threads I made a joke with the Working in a Coal Mine song and just saw it is in there


And the word game with coal mine and Cole mine is too juicy to pass up :P


Android version added!


Played the latest version and gotta say, it complicated my SpaceCorps life. Was having enough trouble deciding which boy was my favourite between Sam and Cole, then you introduced Chad and multipath Cole. Was expecting Felix just to be a hot dude to check out while waiting for more content from the others but then you had to throw the whole unrequited love plot in there with oblivious MC unintentionally breaking his heart. Guess now I'm going to have to cross my fingers and hope for a harem ending where I get to keep all my men.


Lol - of course you can have a harem ending... this is SpaceCorps! ๐Ÿ˜


Olรก boa noite, eu comecei a jogar agora, tem algum suporte Brasileiro pq estou perdifo, eu quero completar o jogo todo, por favor.


Desculpe Price Luan, eu nรฃo falo portuguรชs. Espero que um dos outros patronos possa ajudรก-lo.