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Urgh - so early this morning there was some kind of ⚡power cut, and a whole load of images that were supposed to be rendering while I slumbered... were not rendering. It's only about 5 hours lost, but that's just enough time to mean I won't get the update out today 😢

That's not good... but it's not entirely bad either. The deadline was always super-tight, and an extra day gives me a bit of extra time for testing and editing that should improve the update. 

It will now be out [for Lieutenants+] either on the 1st or the 2nd... apologies for the delay!




Aww that's too bad. Though like you said, I got the feeling the deadline was a tight one anyway. So maybe the update will be better for it!


Maybe you should have bought that UPS after all 🤷‍♂️😭

Sabastian Guerrero

Opinion: Stuff happens better to have lost five hours of rendering vs damaged your PC or the components. Also awesome communication, letting your Patreons know what happened and what your plan is demonstrates leadership qualities that reassure people you have everything under control. Continue to be your awesome self and create.


Thanks, remy! I think it will be. [and don't worry... Felix's prospects will improve!]

Jeremy Charles

I HAVE TO WAIT ONE WHOLE DAY!!!!!! That's it imma gonna burn some building down kick in some store fronts and hurl insults at policemen cause thats how we solve problems in America . jk jk I'll just wait. Glad your computer is safe.


😂 That seems like the appropriate reaction. Yeah, I’ve got surge protection to avoid any damage to the computer - but the protected power supply only lasts 15mins, so I guess the cut was for longer.


it happens


Godzilla knocks down power lines all the time!


keep your head up. your doing a great job, i hope you dont get tired building this game ! it is wonderful ! THANKS MDB


Thanks mdbcum! I will never get tired of SpaceCorps… Occasionally frustrated when stuff like this happens, but I have so many more stories to tell [and sexy scenes to make 😉)

Jaime Stark

Nah, I'll just storm the capitol, beat up some cops, and cry about how I DESPERATELY NEED some orange moron to be my president instead of the guy who overwhelmingly won the election, because that's how REAL Americans blow off steam lol @RanliLabz: No problem dude. We're all adults here (oh God I hope so) and can handle waiting a couple more hours, BTW, Felix is gorgeous. We've only seen snippets of him and yet I drool over him more than the main characters. That' takes skill. Hope to see more of him... if you know what I mean *ahem*. Take care always you awesome creator

Michael Fryer

Its all good cant always plan for these things as much as youd like lol

Jeremy Charles

There is a problem with your method. See as long as I shout about how Black Lives Matter I can burn down their homes and businesses and kill and maim as many as I want and never go to trial. The popular (I mean 100% of Arlington National Cemetery voted for him!) new president with dementia and Crazy Nancy will make sure of that. While your massacre (R.I.P. the security guard and four protesters) will only end in hours of kangaroo trials and rigged investigations. Clearly burning down police stations is more fun than vaguely hanging out in a government building for 3 hours before leaving peacefully.


No politics, please, guys - it’s 3021 and we all live under the loving embrace of SpaceCorps and the InterStellar Union 😉

Jaime Stark

Lol. You seem triggered. Dont dish what you cant take. And yes, respect the creator. No one here cares about your boring beliefs and racism. Sorry everyone, this will be my last response to Tucker Carlson over here.


Cousin Felix looks super cute, always like his shirtless looks, but damn that boy is just as sexy with a shirt on!