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A very, very long time ago [lol - in October 😂] Lancelot was the male winner of the 3rd Quarter Final, and he should have had a victory pic! Since then, there's been a 4th Quarter Final and 5 updates, lol, - but everything eventually comes to those who wait! 😁

This is actually a bit of a teaser too - showing a specific Lancelot location you won't be seeing for several updates, but will become important! If you can guess what it is, I might give him a full frontal in it too 😏

EDIT: Maxxie has correctly identified the room as the Holodeck - so I'll be doing a full frontal of Lancelot to celebrate.




Observation Deck.


Then I would guess it’s his own internal virtual world, perhaps, but not necessarily, looking out into the real world.


It's the bridge. Nav displays on the screens, energy, signal or some other kind of status read outs -- it's the bridge.


I'm afraid not, Donald! Good guess based on the clues - but the Bridge will be set up for humans rather than synthetics.




Well, Lancelot is the main IA onboard the ship... So, is it the central computer room ? (New patron here btw, hi there !)


Hi Maxxie! Welcome on board! 😃 Close, but no. I’m going to give a clue, lol - it’s a room often seen in Star Trek.

Pjotr NL

i think it is the stellar cartography room, because I see things like "to pole star" and the name of several stars in Ursa Majoris and other constellations


Maxxie beat you to it, SubtleStubble - but yes... the Holodeck is born!


Maxxie correctly identified the Holodeck - home of both Lancelot and Morgana - so I'll be posting a full frontal of Lancelot to celebrate! [probably tomorrow 😀]


What a non-sense 🧐 However, any pretext for Lancelot's frontal is good, I guess 😁


Good thing other people watched Star Trek because I would never have known XD also that's a very nice looking ass (now I am wondering if Morgana or Lancelot ever wear any clothes)

Ryan Fox

The fact that there is a holodeck…this opens up so many possibilities for SpaceCorps…purely for research purposes only I assure you. Battle simulations and the like…not highly imaginative sexual fantasies of course

Adán García

What worries me most is that both Lancelot and Morgana will have control of the security protocols...


Whew!!! Lancelot! Felt like I haven’t seen him in a long minute! A pleasant surprise!


Oh, and I've got some doozies planned! Holodeck will be a very exciting place!


IIt's been a bit... although at least you still see him in the scores (if you picked him over morgana, anyway).


oh my, this is really creepy! We should do something, NOW 😬