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It's out! 😁 


- 8 New Cole Paths - Ignore, Rival, Friend, Bully. Cuck, Dom, Sub & Lover...

- + a Sissy-Trans-Bimbo minigame in the Bully and Dom routes...

- Forge your own relationship with Cole!

- m/f, m/m or mixed routes

- 881 pics total!

- New feature to name saves [provided by gojira667]

- New kinks: topper, bottom, subby, cuck & additional m/m version of an-al

- New character - Jared Cole Sr

- Lowered relationship threshold for talking to Anna


SpaceCorps v0.3.6b For Windows [Mega] 

SpaceCorps v.0.3.6b For Windows [Google]

SpaceCorps v.0.3.6b For Mac [Mega] 

SpaceCorps v0.3.6b for Android [Mega] [kindly ported by the66]

Let me know if you like it in the comments below, over on Discord, or just by hitting that like button below... Your feedback sustains me 😂

EDIT: Lieutenant Release 0.3.6a - 02/05 [6/8 routes]

EDIT: Lieutenant Release 0.3.6b - 18/05 [Additional Bully & Dom routes]

EDIT: opened to Sergeants 21/05

EDIT: opened to Ensigns 23/05

EDIT: opened to Cadets 24/05

EDIT: Public Release 25/05

EDIT: Android version added 26/05



Adán García

I loved the faces of the "guaruras" on the spanking scene. They are simultaneously scare, aroused and felt pity for poor Cole


Lol - always good to let background characters carry some of the scene 😂 Thanks, Adan!


The spanking scene was HOT!! Still that only further whetted my appetite for a real word (well in-game real world) one sometime. Even on the lovers route I feel my mc still owes Cole a real spanking.


😂 Well, since f/m players got some spanking with Anna, it seemed only right m/m players got some with Cole... and he's *really* earned a few strokes. I'm sure that on the lover route it could just be a bit more playful than on the dom route.

Locke Cole

Yooooo that minigame was way fun. Not a huge fan of making Cole a trans person but making him a sissy sl*t? Sign me the fuck up LOL


Okay I think the only route I can go for is Lover since I feel bad for how mean MC is on the Dom route and I see Cole as a bottom so the sub route isn't the one for me either xD Played through a few of the routes though and they are all interesting in their own way


very complex update (but oh so fun to play!), thank god for the name saves feature! What is interesting to me is the rather off-character behaviour of Jimmi particularly in the dominant/bully paths (submissive/cuck too, but that's more in line with some of the scenes we have seen, considering he has been abused pretty badly sometimes). He really looks like a different person sometimes; is it supposed to be a 'snap' moment? how is it going to play in the future? (I just find it difficult to imagine that he'll go back to be meek and shy when speaking, say, with Fatima) I'm curious about your take!


Lol - he does get quite mean! But as a Top on Love you should get what you're looking for 😋


It's a snap moment. I've tried to seed in throughout that he has a buried, meaner side to him. e.g. he can try and attack the Nurse in the very first scene, and either attack or lose his temper with others in subsequent scenes [most resulting in a game over]. He also has quite a few 'sharp' dialogue options throughout the game - including in the bunk conversations - so I'm loading the job of keeping his character consistent on the player and the choices they make 😜 I don't think it would be too weird to have him dominate/bully Cole while remaining meek around the others, though - Cole is the only Cadet who's actually wronged him in any way, after all! But that'll all be player choice!


Loved this update, definitely my favourite so far. I went in thinking Dom was going to be my primary save but now I'm leaning towards lover. I can only imagine how complicated Cole's going to be going forward as many of his options might require coding/dialogue for 8 different versions of him. Bully & Dom felt very similar though, almost like the only difference was locking out Cole as a love interest. It would be nice if as the story progressed and MC's resentment of Cole lessons we can shift to choosing between mean Dom and a nicer Dom.


Well done. I really appreciate Sam getting involved a bit, since I think his update was a bit weak (well, and he’s my fav).


Thanks Auron! 😁 Lol - it is all extremely complicated! The routes are paired to account for varying levels of interest in Cole and m/m content - that's Dom-Bully, Sub-Cuck and Friend-Lover - although you can make some big differences depending on choices. Be aware that Domming Cole is going to be quite mean throughout - it's a punishment route - although there will always be a softer option available. For a nicer Dom, pick Lover and just choose the Top and Alpha options [the same is true, in reverse, for Sub].


Glad you liked it, uman [lol - and I had to get Sam involved in there!]


oh yes, the mean game over moments! 😄 I find it interesting that here he really leeeeans on them for a sustained conversation (like when he can threaten to beat him up multiple times) -but I guess also because Cole seems pretty receptive to it so it's like a positive feedback and he feels increasingly freer to unleash the beast. I suppose it's the same phenomenon (but reversed) in the submissive paths, where he becomes explicitly sexual as never before with his reactions?


interesting, because I actually liked the slow-burning romance of the Sam update quite a lot (plus the interesting background info -but that's valid for all the bunk updates up to now), I found it a refreshing change of pace, plus for once you don't have everything served on a platter and you have to pursue it a bit more!


Android version now added!


I think it’s always different strokes for different folks. The aim is to try and make each one feel different, and expose an unexpected side of their personalities. A with Sam I was going for a little bit sad, a little bit cute... and with Cole I just went wild and showed everything 😆 They’ve all got loads more scenes to come tho!

Richardson Tailoring

Can't wait to get an update after the crew sleeping quarters!

Richardson Tailoring

REALLY like Cole, after ya actually befriend him in the Crew quarters, he's a really sweet guy, hope we get to help him with his *acchem* "augmentation"