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I told you I had something big planned for m/m fans 😜

Yes - the guy in the pic is real [we all know I'm not that good at CGI 😂] This gorgeous guy is Calvin - and although he might look like a pro-model, he's actually on the front desk of a gym in Utah... 

Don't all book your tickets to Salt Lake City at once or you'll crash the airline system 😉

Apparently, he was giggling all through the shoot, because he had no idea what SpaceCorps was - or what he was doing wearing a SpaceCorps T-shirt 😁 He's been sent a link, so hopefully he'll realise what he just got himself into 🤣


The amazingly talented guy who spotted Calvin and took these pics is Blake Yelavich - a photographer working across Utah, the Inland Empire, Nevada and Texas. Blake's speciality is finding incredibly hot non-models in the US heartlands - ordinary guys in ordinary jobs - and taking fantastic pictures of them in various states of undress. One of the things I love about his work is how much he lets his models' personalities shine through - whether that be aloof, cheeky or shy - he's clearly great at putting them at ease.

He may have one of the best jobs in the world 🤩


Blake is one of your fellow patrons - Major Blake, in fact! He approached me last month to see if there's anything he could do to help the game and - cheeky bugger that I am - I asked if he could do some pics with his models holding a SpaceCorps placard...

Blake had other ideas.

Almost before I knew it, he was talking T-shirts and group shots, and setting up multiple shoots. When he sent me links to his sites, I could see I was working with a real pro. You can see some of his other work here: Men Of Utah™, and here: Blake Yelavich - Photographer, and you can support him on Patreon here: Blake Yelavich - Photographer is creating Physique Photography, Prints And Publications | Patreon [his Patreon is criminally undersubscribed, so I hope we can change that a bit! 💸]

That all means that Calvin is far from the last of Blake's SpaceCorps photoshoots you'll be seeing - one is already sitting on my hard-drive, and several more have been set up over the next couple of weeks. You would not believe some of the stuff he's got planned for you, so keep an eye out for the next batch! 😁 The next will be a saucy Daemonic set for Ensigns+ 😈

As usual with my collaborations, be sure to send Blake and Calvin some love by mashing the 💘like button.




Nice! I wanna lobby for that level of transparency in the male cadet trousers!


Wow hot guy - like the photos - thanks

Bound By Night

Holy moly... We may be moving to Utah...


Ok I guessed the shirt part correctly but I didn't imagine this was the outcome! Very nice work from the photographer Major Blake!

Adán García

Really handsome. And looks great on that outfit


Congratulations! This is really prof and beautiful! Mabye, we can all gently ask Major Blake, if he knows some people who could help Ranli with some technical issues? Thanks anyway!


There will be more coming, and Ranli says... We will be having some fun with this!

Ryan Fox

Well Ranli, Blake, I like to consider myself open-minded and well-travelled. If I am being honest, there was a great deal more 🔥 smolder🔥 than I was expecting from the Beehive State. I recognize now that assumption was a failing on my part 😅 I think I might have to disregard what you said Rainli and check into some plane tickets for a quick visit. I’m sure you’ve heard it many times Blake, but you have a really good eye for the male physique. What I saw on the site was some really solid work. Look forward to seeing more from you in the future, and will probably saunter my way over your Patreon shortly.


hmm I might need to drive to salt lake lol


As long as we aren't railroaded into it, this is great!


Hot Hot Hot, cannot believe he is not a model.


I have no idea how Blake is finding all these super hot men... I've just seen another set of a muscle builder Asian hunk [body-wise, somewhere between Dan and Rydick 😋] I do not encounter people that look like this! 😂


I would love to support the person being photographed. Does Calvin have an OnlyFans?


To my knowledge, he only does photoshoots with Blake, so the best way to support him is prob to sign up to Blake's Patreon. Calvin would do well on OnlyFans, though!


I am almost speechless (I mean I did write these words so....) Wow!


That's leaving very little to the imagination :D