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And that's me caught up to date with the Walkthoughs! 😁 [well, the static version - still a bit to do on the Integrated ones...]

You'll also be pleased to learn that the shop finally returned my computer - minus the annoying clicking and whirring sound 🤩 That's already rendering away on the next big batch of images... and you'll be seeing some teasers for the February update in the near future 😉




Thanks for the walkthough update. A great Idea that you have integrated these walktroughs into the game. They have already shown me some sex options that I would otherwise have overlooked.


Thanks Gaymer! 😁 Yeah, they're pretty useful - even for me as a reference - and I'm rather proud of the integrated version!. They take bloody ages to make, tho! 😂

Daniel A Carey

I have tried a couple of times to get Sam ending 1 and always end up at ending 2. Anybody have a tip for how I might be going wrong?


You're not, lol - I did! It's coded wrong, so you can't get the Ending 1 score [you do get all the content, tho - if Sam if your PLI and you played the hug/kiss scene and then the wankbros scene]

Daniel A Carey

Thanks; it is all good then, I have seen them. Props for both story and art -- the best. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.